St. Alban’s and the Coronavirus / St. Alban et le coronavirus.

Concern over the spread of the Coronavirus is growing. We at St Alban’s want to be proactive in reducing the risk of transmission within the Chaplaincy and to those in the wider community. The disease appears to present a particular risk to the elderly and to people with certain pre-existing health conditions.

At present, we will continue to hold our regular Sunday service at 10.30 am. At the same time, we will adopt some common sense practices aimed at keeping our gatherings as safe as possible.

  1. Welcomers, Altar Servers and Ministers of Communion

All those ministering Communion will wash their hands or use an alcohol based gel before preparing the table for Holy Communion. Gel, soap and paper towels will be available in the Sacristy. The same will apply for Welcomers.

  1. Suspension of Communion from a common Chalice

Until further notice, only bread will be served in Holy Communion. Do note that it is Anglican teaching that to receive the sacrament in one kind only– that is, the bread only –  is to receive the sacrament in its entirety.

  1. The passing of the Peace and other physical contact

Let us also be respectful of one another who may not wish to have close contact with others at this time. This includes shaking hands, hugging and the exchange of peace during the service. A simple bow or gesture of greeting will suffice.

We need not be unduly alarmed; however, we should be smart about reducing the propagation of the disease as much as possible. It is a good practice for all of us to wash thoroughly our hands before leaving home to come to church. This simple practice could help cut significantly the risk of infection.

With God’s help and sound practices, we will meet this unusual challenge to the best of our ability. Let us pray for one another – especially for those who may be especially vulnerable to the virus – and for governments and public health officials who are working hard to respond to this global threat.

Les inquiétudes concernant la propagation du coronavirus augmentent. À St Alban, nous voulons être proactifs pour réduire le risque de transmission au sein de l’aumônerie et à ceux de la communauté au sens plus large. La maladie semble présenter un risque particulier pour les personnes âgées et les personnes atteintes de certaines conditions de santé préexistantes.
À l’heure actuelle, nous continuerons de tenir notre service régulier du dimanche à 10 h 30. En même temps, nous adopterons certaines pratiques de bon sens visant à garder nos rassemblements aussi sûrs que possible.
1. Welcomers, ceux/celles qui servent à l’autel et ministres de la Communion
Tous ceux qui administrent la Communion se laveront les mains ou utiliseront un gel à base d’alcool avant de préparer la table pour la Sainte Communion. Du gel, du savon et des serviettes en papier seront disponibles dans la Sacristie. De même pour les Welcomer.
2. Suspension de la communion d’un Calice commun
Pour le moment, seul le pain sera servi dans la Sainte Communion. Notez que c’est l’enseignement anglican que de recevoir le sacrement en une seule sorte – c’est-à-dire le pain seulement – c’est de recevoir le sacrement dans son intégralité.
3. L’échange de la paix et le contact physique
Soyons également respectueux les uns envers les autres qui ne souhaitent peut-être pas avoir de contact physique avec les autres pendant ce période. Cela comprend la poignée de main, les bisous et l’échange de paix pendant la liturgie. Un simple geste de salutation suffira.
Nous ne devons pas nous inquiéter indûment ; cependant, nous devrions être intelligents pour réduire autant que possible la propagation de la maladie. C’est une bonne pratique pour nous tous de bien nous laver les mains avant de quitter la maison pour venir à l’église. Cette pratique simple pourrait réduire considérablement le risque d’infection.
Avec l’aide de Dieu et de saines pratiques, nous ferons face à ce défi au mieux de nos capacités. Prions les uns pour les autres – en particulier pour ceux qui peuvent être particulièrement vulnérables au virus – et pour les gouvernements et les responsables de la santé publique qui travaillent dur pour répondre à cette menace mondiale.
Dans l’amour du Christ pour tous,
Mark +Le Rév Dr Mark Barwick 


Annual General Meeting 2020

Last Sunday 1st March these church members were elected to the following offices:

Pauline Dif & Anny Samuels

Chaplaincy Council
Grace Egesi, Rufus Folaranmi, Victoria Jacob, Elisabeth Koonja, Denis Le Moullac, John Parsons, Jean-Honoré Ramanitrarivo & Richard Razafindratsima

Representatives to Archdeaconry Synod
Diane Murray & Sarah Palmer

Thanks to all who helped prepare this year’s AGM, provide food, set-up, clean-up, etc. Reports were heard by the Priest-in-Charge and about various activities throughout the life of the Chaplaincy. The 2019 Financial Report was approved and the Budget for 2020 received. Please look for a detailedreport of the 2020 AGM at a future date.

Liebfrauenberg Retreat 13 – 15 March 2020

Unfortunately this weekend retreat has had to be postponed.  The Very Reverend Michael Sadgrove, Dean Emeritus of Durham Cathedral, who was going to lead us though some enriching Bible studies on the theme of “Exile”, has been advised not to come, in view of certain underlying health conditions and the spread of the coronavirus.  We hope very much that he can come later in the year.

Annual General Meeting 1st March

As we prepare for St. Alban’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday 1 March after church, this is a reminder that your name needs to be on the Electoral Roll if you want to be able to vote at the AGM.  Please check the list on the notice board at the back of the church, and if you’d like to have your name added to the roll you’ll find the appropriate form there as well.

At the meeting two Churchwardens will be elected, two representatives of St. Alban for the Archdeaconry Synod of France, and the members of the Church Council.  If you wish to run for election your nomination must be submitted in advance.  See Fr. Mark for information about how to do that.

The AGM is a good opportunity to find out more about the activities of the church and to share ideas about the future of St. Alban’s.  Here are reports from the 2019 meetings of the French Archdeaconry Synod and of the Diocesan Synod.

Archdeaconry Synod Report 2019

Diocesan Synod 2019

Frankly Speaking on 23 February 2020.

  • Next week we have the pleasure of welcoming The Rev Deacon Jean Dumond Chavanne from the Episcopal Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Paris.  In addition to assisting at the 10.30 Eucharist, Deacon Jean will lead a Frankly Speaking session on the Anglican/Episcopal Church in his native Haiti.  He will also preach at the Malgache Eucharist that afternoon.

Le 23 février nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir le Rev Diacre Jean Dumond Chavanne de la Cathédrale Episcopale de la Sainte-Trinité à Paris. En plus de sa participation à l’Eucharistie de 10h30, Diacre Jean animera une session de Frankly Speaking sur l’Eglise anglicane/épiscopale dans l’Haïti, son pays natal. Il apportera aussi le message à la messe malgache dans l’après-midi.

Liebfrauenberg Retreat 13 – 15 March 2020.

Liebfrauenberg is an opportunity each year for us to mark Lent with a retreat along with two other chaplaincies to deepen our faith, walk in the woods, meet old friends, welcome new friendships, all while preparing our hearts for the Easter feast.

This year we are delighted to welcome The Very Reverend Michael Sadgrove, Dean Emeritus of Durham Cathedral, who will lead us though some enriching Bible studies on the theme of “Exile.”

Michael Sadgrove describes himself as a “pilgrim, priest and ponderer”. A Londoner of Anglo-German parentage and a fervent European by conviction, he has been over forty-five years of ordained ministry a parish priest, theological educator, cathedral precentor and a Dean at two cathedrals, Sheffield, then Durham. He has been active as a speaker and preacher, retreat conductor and writer, not least on European themes.  He also writes a blog

Costs have been kept to a minimum and financial  assistance is available for those who are in need.

Please register by 1st of March by emailing John and Diane Murray at or by returning the form you will find here,  LIEBFRAUENBERG 2020 info and form

together with more details of the retreat.

See also



Festival Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg

Festival unique en France, Les Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg bousculent les conventions en organisant, jusqu’ au 2 février 2020, une succession de concerts dans lesquels se produisent des artistes ou groupes représentatifs de trois cultures musicales religieuses différentes.

130 artistes nous feront découvrir par la musique des spiritualités et cultures différentes : Christianisme, Judaïsme, Islam, Bouddhisme, Hindouisme, Chamanisme … Ils viennent du monde entier, de France : Allemagne, Maroc, États-Unis, Inde, Syrie, Royaume Unis, Tibet, Népal, Israël, Algérie, Togo, Iran.

Bouddhisme, christianisme, hindouisme, islam, judaïsme… Le choix des interprètes de musique sacrée est porteur d’un message fort, tout comme le lieu accueillant les concerts : une mosquée, une église, une synagogue, au sein desquelles, sans distinction d’appartenance religieuse, se produisent musiciens, chanteurs et danseurs de toute culture et de tout pays.

Renseignements: 03 88 16 31 09   



Women’s Bible Study with Tiffne Whitney

Saturday 18 January, 9.00h breakfast chez Richardson, 16 rue Saint-Louis, 1st floor. Bus 10 to St. Thomas, tram to “Porte de lHôpital.”

Catherine Emezie writes:

Leading the Bible Study on the topic of “I am the good shepherd.” will be a very special guest,Tiffne Whitney.  She will also give an update on her “Ladies in Waiting” project that aims to help victims of sex trafficking/prostitution.  This is a very important project and all are invited to come.


Come help prepare musical offerings for Sunday worship on Saturday 18th January at 15h30 at Hanneke Palm’s apartment, just around the corner from the church at 30 rue de l’Université. All musical styles, instruments and levels of proficiency are welcome.

Children’s Class

A Children’s Class is planned for ages 8-12 to introduce the stories and teachings of the Bible, basic instruction on the Christian faith and how to live that faith in today’s world. Classes will begin soon, held twice monthly after church on Sundays.   Diocesan Safeguarding practices will be in effect at all time.

Speak with Fr Mark for more details 07 71 13 38 83.