Frederick’s Walk for ACAS

On 2nd June, the day after Pentecost, Frederick started on his 90-lap walk around the perimeter of his house in order to raise money for St. Alban’s charitable wing, ACAS.  In a short ceremony he was sent on his way by St. Alban’s priest Mark Barwick and other enthusiastic supporters.

Now, three weeks later, he has completed well over 70 laps, that is more than 7kms / 4 miles, and he is still going strong.  His goal of 90 laps is now well in sight. No mean feat considering his age – he turned 90 this year, hence 90 laps – and his reduced mobility after a recent foot operation.

The response so far has been all that he has hoped for: €2900 have already been pledged and more has been promised.  That means that ACAS (Association caritative anglicane de Strasbourg) will be able to continue supporting its long-term projects: caring for refugees in Strasbourg, educating Christian school children in Pakistan, and supporting an Anglican church in eastern Madagascar which has repeatedly been harried by hurricanes.

All are asked to continue supporting Frederick with both encouragement and donations as he completes his 90 laps and tots up the grand total of 9 km.

Through the garden, round the side of the house and along the pavement outside = 1 lap

Frederick walking in mid-June with the support of physio Stéphane and cheered on by Chantal.

Back in church again: Trinity Sunday at St. Alban’s

Half an hour earlier than usual, seated far apart in long rows in the middle of the church, hands disinfected, masks on faces: Trinity Sunday at the Dominicans was very different from usual.  The main thing though was that for the first time since 15 March St. Alban’s was able to congregate again to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. 43 people, adults and children, attended the service which was shorter than usual, and accompanied by George Temeso on the  drums. Instead of forming a circle around the altar to receive Holy Communion, we filed up one side aisle to receive a wafer from Mark at the altar steps, and returned to our seats down the other aisle.  In his sermon Mark referred to the memorial to Sir Robert Shirley in the church of the Holy Trinity in Stanton Harold, Leicestershire, which he founded in the aftermath of the English Civil War.  He had “done the best things in the worst times, and hoped them in the most calamitous.” That could be our guideline, Mark said.

Back together again at the Dominicans.

At 5 pm on Zoom there was a service of Evensong for all those who  were unable or unwilling to come to church for the morning service, led by John Murray.  In future other members of the ministry team will also lead this service every Sunday.

Tuesday Prayers continue on Zoom on Tuesdays (!) from 18.30h to 19.30h.

ACAS Walking Challenge / Défi de Marche pour ACAS

Frederick and Maryline William-Smith have been inspired by the UK’s 99-year-old Captain Tom, who walked around his
garden with his walker to raise funds for the UK National Health Service. Frederick, by comparison a mere chicken at 90, had to have a toe amputated in March and since then has slowly but surely been recovering his mobility. He now feels up to the challenge of walking 90 steps through the front and back gardens around his house and trying to do four circuits a day. That would amount to 400 metres a day, and in 22 days, starting on 1 June, he hopes to complete 90 circuits, walking a total of nine kilometres. You are invited to sponsor Frederick’s walk to raise much-needed funds for ACAS, St. Alban’s organisation for charitable work. At present ACAS is supporting agencies in Strasbourg looking after refugees, an Anglican community in Madagascar much battered by hurricanes and students at a Christian school in Pakistan.

For further details about how to sponsor Frederick’s walk follow this link.  All contributions are welcome!


Frederick et Maryline William-Smith ont été inspirés par l’aventure du capitaine Tom au Royaume-Uni qui a parcouru son jardin avec son déambulateur jusqu’à son 100e anniversaire pour collecter des fonds pour le Service National de Santé du Royaume-Uni. Ils ont pensé que cela constituerait, pour Frederick, un excellent challenge pour améliorer sa santé.  Le 12 mars, deux semaines avant son 90e anniversaire, il a subi l’amputation d’un orteil. Depuis, il se remet lentement mais sûrement. Voilà le défi d’aujourd’hui : il doit faire environ 90 pas pour faire le tour de la maison par le jardin et les portails. Ils essaient de faire 4 tours par jour, ce qui les amène à environ 400 mètres. Ils estiment que 90 tours de la maison lui prendront environ 22 jours, commençant le 1er juin. En même temps, c’est un bon moyen de réunir des fonds extrêmement nécessaires pour financer les différentes activités de l’ACAS (dons aux organismes locaux d’aide aux réfugiés, soutien à divers projets à Madagascar et scolarisation de jeunes chrétiens au Pakistan). Ils vous lancent un appel :

Accepteriez-vous de le parrainer ?  Pour en savoir plus, suivez le lien. Tous les dons seront bienvenus.

Getting off to a good start with plenty of support.

Staying/Getting in touch in times of corona // Rester ensemble aux temps de Covid-19

It’s been seven weeks now since St. Alban’s last service at the church of the Dominicans in Strasbourg, but thanks to the internet and the web-based system called Zoom, Fr. Mark is able to make direct contact with listeners and viewers on computers, mobile devices and telephone. On Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and all the Sundays since we have been able to join in worship with each other, to see and speak to each other and catch up on news.

As well as regular Sunday worship at 10.30h, Tuesday Prayers are taking place again as Zoom sessions.  These are from 18.30h to 19.15h on Tuesdays and use as a framework the Evensong service.

On Wednesdays at 11.00h Andra Muiznieks  is offering to lead us in a series of half-hour sessions of Contemplative Prayer as a way of  managing stress, cherishing silence and deepening our inner life.

And on Thursdays at 10.00h you can drop in via Zoom for Coffee with Mark; a visit and gentle conversation with your favourite morning beverage for as little or as long as you’d like. For children aged 8 to 12 the regular Children’s Class is resuming on Sundays at 18.00h, again via Zoom.

Times of Zoom sessions and log-in details can be found in “News and Views from St. Alban’s”, Fr. Mark’s regular newsletter sent out via email.  If you would like to take part in services or other activities, contact Fr. Mark on +33 3 69 57 40 03 or write an email to:

Fr. Mark writes/Mark écrit:

“This is the Easter Season. For Christians, it is a time for hope and the renewal of life’s possibilities. This is one thing that resurrection teaches us: we mustn’t give in to death and despair. The words of a gospel song of my youth still ring true: “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives.”   And until that future comes, whatever that may be, let’s take care of ourselves in the here and now. And let’s be attentive to the lessons that we have to learn in this time.  And of course, there is Sunday worship online at our regular time. There are many opportunities for us to stay connected, be nourished spiritually and challenged intellectually. And it’s all just a few clicks away!”

“Ceci est la saison de Pâques. Pour les chrétiens, c’est un temps d’espérance et de renouvellement des possibilités de la vie. Nous ne devons pas céder à la mort et au désespoir. Les paroles d’une chanson gospel de ma jeunesse sonnent toujours vrai : « Parce qu’il vit, je peux affronter demain. Parce qu’Il vit, toute peur a disparu, parce que je sais qu’il détient l’avenir, et la vie vaut la peine d’être vécue simplement parce qu’il vit. »

Et jusqu’à ce que cet avenir arrive, quel qu’il soit, prenons soin de nous ici et maintenant. Soyons attentifs aux leçons que nous apprenons en ce moment.   Et bien sûr, il y a le service du dimanche en ligne à notre heure habituelle. Il existe de nombreuses opportunités pour nous de rester connectés, d’être nourris spirituellement et stimulés intellectuellement. Et tout cela en quelques clics !”

2 Psalms as Litanies / 2 Psaumes comme litanies.

Here are two litanies which you might find helpful for your prayer in these days. What is a litany?  It is a series of petitions with a refrain which is repeated in such a way as to allow us to focus and enter more deeply into the words of the prayer. The first is inspired by Psalm 1 and the second brings together the words of  Psalm 23 and the mystic Julian of Norwich.

Voici deux litanies qui pourraient vous être utiles pour votre prière de ces jours. Qu’est-ce qu’une litanie? C’est une série de pétitions avec un refrain qui se répète de manière à nous permettre de nous concentrer et d’entrer plus profondément dans les paroles de la prière.
La première est basée sur Psaume 1 et la seconde rassemble les paroles du Psaume 23 et celles de Julien de Norwich.

Psalms as Litanies


Suite à la promulgation de l’article 1er du décret du 16 mars 2020 concernant la lutte contre la propagation du virus Covid-19, la paroisse anglicane de St Alban a suspendu tout rassemblement publique jusqu’à nouvel ordre.

Following the promulgation of article 1 of the decree of 16 March 2020 concerning the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Anglican parish of St Alban has suspended all public gatherings until further notice.

Thank you for your understanding.                   Merci de votre compréhension.


Coronavirus – To all who gather for worship at St. Alban’s / À tous ceux qui se réunissent pour le culte à St Alban

Dear friends,

As the coronavirus epidemic continues to develop, it will inevitably have an impact on the life of our Chaplaincy. Exceptional circumstances have resulted in government taking exceptional measures in view of limiting the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. In his televised address, the President of the Republic has asked all people over the age of 70 and those who suffer from chronic diseases, respiratory disorders or disabilities to remain at home for as long as possible.

In addition, the Prefecture of Bas-Rhin has now banned all gatherings of more than 50 people. Of course, gatherings for prayer and worship are places of potential exposure to the virus, even if they do not exceed 50 people.

Last week St Alban’s established certain practices which are aimed at making our gatherings as safe as possible. These included (a) the careful washing of hands of those who serve in welcoming and the administration of Communion, (b) the suspension of Communion from a common Chalice and (c) the avoidance of physical contact, notably during the passing of the Peace.

We have also weighed the recommendations of our Bishops as well as guidance issued by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Strasbourg. As a result, I, in consultation with our Churchwardens, intend to enact the following measures in addition to those mentioned above:

  1. Restriction of the number of attendees to 50 for all events
    This is a legal requirement with which we must comply.
  2. Shorter services with music, brief reflection and simplified liturgy

These will last for no more than 45 minutes.

  1. Further restrictions of physical contact

Offering baskets will not be passed hand to hand. Priestly blessings will be given without physical contact.

  1. Suspension of Coffee Hour and other after-church activities
    Discussion groups and classes which are typically held at the Rivier apartment will be discontinued until further notice, including Frankly Speaking sessions, Sunday School, discussion groups and Children’s Class.

We regret very much the need to take such stringent measures; however, the situation is serious enough to warrant these actions. Please continue to support and pray for one another during this time, especially for those who are more vulnerable to the virus. With God’s help and sound practices, we will get through this period.  Thank you for your understanding

Mark+      The Revd Dr Mark Barwick       13/03/2020     

À mesure que l’épidémie de coronavirus continue de se développer, elle aura inévitablement un impact sur la vie de notre aumônerie. Des circonstances exceptionnelles ont conduit le gouvernement à prendre des mesures exceptionnelles en vue de limiter la propagation de l’épidémie de Covid-19. Dans son allocution télévisée, le Président de la République a demandé à toutes les personnes de plus de 70 ans et à celles qui souffrent de maladies chroniques, de troubles respiratoires ou de handicaps de rester chez elles le plus longtemps possible.

Par ailleurs, la préfecture du Bas-Rhin a désormais interdit tout rassemblement de plus de 50 personnes. Bien sûr, les rassemblements pour la prière et le culte sont des lieux d’exposition potentielle au virus, même s’ils ne dépassent pas 50 personnes.

La semaine dernière, St Alban a établi certaines pratiques qui visent à rendre nos rassemblements aussi sûrs que possible. Ceux-ci comprenaient (a) le lavage soigneux des mains de ceux qui servent à l’accueil et à l’administration de la Communion, (b) la suspension de la Communion d’un calice commun et (c) l’évitement des contacts physiques, notamment lors de l’échange de la Paix.

Nous avons également pesé les recommandations de nos Evêques ainsi que celles émises par l’Archidiocèse catholique romain de Strasbourg. En conséquence, j’ai, en consultation avec nos Churchwardens, l’intention de promulguer les mesures suivantes en plus de celles mentionnées ci-dessus:

  1. Limitation du nombre de participants à 50 pour tous les événements

  Il s’agit d’une exigence légale à laquelle nous devons nous conformer.

  1. Services plus courts avec musique, brève réflexion et liturgie simplifiée

  Celles-ci ne dureront pas plus de 45 minutes.

  1. Autres restrictions de contact physique

 Les paniers de quête ne seront pas transmis de main en main. Les bénédictions             sacerdotales seront données sans contact physique.

  1. Suspension de l’heure du café et autres activités après le culte

 Les groupes de discussion et les cours qui ont généralement lieu à l’appartement Rivier seront interrompus jusqu’à nouvel ordre, y compris les sessions Frankly Speaking, l’école du dimanche, les groupes de discussion et les cours pour enfants.

Nous regrettons beaucoup la nécessité de prendre des mesures aussi strictes; cependant, la situation est suffisamment grave pour justifier ces actions. Continuons à nous encourager les uns les autres à prier les uns pour les autres pendant cette période, en particulier pour ceux qui sont plus vulnérables au virus. Avec l’aide de Dieu et de saines pratiques, nous traverserons ces jours difficiles. Merci de votre compréhension.