16 October Sunday Hamper – Panier du dimanche

Sunday morning is often a stressful time for parents: not only do they have the kids (and themselves)  to get out of bed and to church on time, but there’s also the Sunday lunch to think about.  At least the Sunday lunch on 16 October shouldn’t be a problem if you take advantage of our offer of the Sunday hamper, the Panier du dimanche.  It’s all there: entrée, main course and pudding. Samusas, spicy chicken wings and the most delicious meat balls you will ever taste (courtesy of Victoria and Voahangy), Chicken Biryani or a variety of quiches (courtesy of Victoria, Christine,  Johanna and Cecilia), Tiramisu, Swiss Roll or Panna Cotta (courtesy of Fida Marie, Emmanuel Mente and Johanna)  All you have to do is to order it.  And that you can do by placing  your order by email to maryline.neuschwander@orange.de by Thursday 13 October at the latest. You can find more details and the prices on the attachment below  “bon de commande ACAS”

The money you give for your Sunday Hamper/Panier du dimanche goes to people in need in France, Madagascar and Pakistan, to suport causes that the charitable association of our church ACAS has adopted in our name.  The more you give, the more we can do, for instance to alleviate the need of the Anglican church and people in Foulpointe, Madagascar, whose town was recently ravaged  by a fire.

And should you want to order a Sunday Hamper/Panier du dimanche for another date, you can contact Victoria, Cecilia, Christine Bloomfield and Emmanuel Mente and arrange for them to provide their dish when you need it.   Maryline Neuschwander can provide their contact details.


16 October Harvest Festival – Fête des Récoltes

On 16 October St. Alban’s celebrates its Harvest Festival, when we give thanks for all that God’s creation provides for us.  Traditionally we bring gifts of food to church to symbolise the fruits of the harvest. However, rather than piling pumkins up in front of the altar we try to think in more practical terms about the food that the homeless in the city of Strasbourg need.  For many years now we have supported the Breakfast Programme of the Salvation Army: several times a week they serve breakfast to those who have no roof over their head or no opportunity to buy or prepare food for themselves.  Generally about 70 people come to these breakfasts and  have at least one decent meal a day.  So at Harvest Festival all of us are asked to bring something suitable for breakfast to church: cereal, coffee, tea, UHT milk, sugar, jam, bread, apples, oranges (nothing too perishable).  These gifts will be blessed and then taken to the Salvation Army, who very much appreciate  St. Alban’s harvest donations.

Baptism of Louis Chinedum Alexandre Baron

Ozichi and Alex Baron invite all members of St. Alban’s to attend the baptism of their son Louis Chinedum Alexandre on Saturday 23 July at 4 pm at the Eglise des Dominicains, 41 bld de la Victoire, and welcome with them this new member of our Anglican church.

Ozichi Baron et Alex Baron sont heureux de vous inviter tous au baptême de leur fils Louis Chinedum Alexandre à notre Eglise Anglicane, “Eglise des Dominicains”, Boulevard de la Victoire, le samedi 23 juillet 2016 à 16h00.


Women’s Bible Study Friday 24 June

The next women’s bible study will take place on Friday 24 June at 18.45h, at the home of Diana and David Cowley, 5 rue de Londres, Esplanade – tram D, stop Esplanade.

Andra Fedder will lead the study on “an introduction into Christian contemplative meditation.” It promises to be a an interesting time together !


26 June: Bring & Share Lunch / Déjeuner de type « auberge espagnole »

This coming Sunday, 26th June, Maryline and Frederick William-Smith invite everyone at St. Alban’s to come and have lunch after church in their shady garden in Cronenbourg, 7 rue des Ducs, tram stop Ducs d’Alsace.  Please bring something to share – salads, vegetables and desserts and drinks; meat for grilling will be provided and Naveed Jacob and his sons will yet again demonstrate their prowess at the grill.  These laid-back summer lunches in Cronenbourg are really enjoyable and a great opportunity to get to know members of our congregation better.

If you need any information please contact Maryline under: maryline.neuschwander@orange.fr.  And if you need directions, just ask the churchwardens, Pauline and Anny, after church.


Freconrupt Family Sleepover 4. – 5. June 2016

Chez  “Les Amis de la Nature”.

This year our sleepover is in a beautiful area of Alsace above Schirmeck, in the forest with a picturesque view of the Donon. We will have activities for the children including a giant atlas to colour in.

This weekend is an opportunity for both adults and children to get to know each other and share in informal spiritual exchanges and worship.

We will leave from outside the church on the Saturday 4 June around 3 pm and will return to Strasbourg on the Sunday afternoon, 5 June.

Accommodation includes rooms and dormitories for around 50 persons with WC and bathrooms on each floor. Single men and young adults may have to share a dormitory.

You will need to bring towels and sheets or sleeping bags, comfortable clothes, rain gear and suitable walking shoes.

The costs are:

– Adults                                                    €20           – Family rate       €50

– Children under 14yrs                             € 7

– Students and children over 14yrs          €12

– For those coming  for Sunday lunch only, the contribution is 3 € per person.

Because it is self catering and shared  the cost is kept to a minimum and is great value. If however you have genuine difficulties, the prices above should not put you off coming on this sharing week-end. Have a word with the Church wardens Pauline or Anny.

If you would like to come, please contact Pauline or Anny as soon as possible and let them have have the following details by email to paulinejoy.dif@gmail.com or annysamuels@gmail.com:

Contact phone number and e-mail  –  Name of family, number of family members coming and children’s ages  –  Do you need transport YES/NO  –    I / we have a car and can take …………people.





Weekend “Pyjama” à Freconrupt, 4 – 5 juin 2016

Chez “Les Amis de la Nature “.

Notre “weekend pyjama” cette année se tient dans une belle contrée d’Alsace sur les hauteurs de Schirmeck, en pleine forêt avec une vue imprenable sur le Donon.  Nous prévoyons des activités pour les enfants, dont un atlas géant à colorier.  C’est une occasion pour adultes et enfants d’apprendre à mieux se connaître et à se consacrer à des échanges spirituels et religieux dans un cadre informel.  Nous partirons du parvis de notre église le samedi 4 juin vers 15h et nous serons de retour à Strasbourg au courant de l’après-midi du dimanche 5 juin.

L’hébergement offre des chambres et dortoirs pour recevoir environ 50 personnes, WC et salle de bain étant prévus à chaque étage.   Il est possible que les hommes célibataires et les jeunes hommes adultes aient à partager un dortoir.

A vous d’apporter vos serviettes et draps ou sacs de couchage.  Pensez à emporter des vêtements confortables, un X-Way et des chaussures de marche appropriées.

Les coûts sont les suivants:

– Adultes                                                        20 €      – Forfait famille          50 €

– Enfants de moins de 14 ans                      7 €

– Etudiants et jeunes de plus de 14 ans    12 €

– ceux venant pour le déjeuner du dimanche

devront s’acquitter d’une contribution de 3 €.

Il s’agit d’un gîte en formule partage  les coûts sont maintenus à un niveau minimum vraiment bon marché.  Si vous éprouvez toutefois de véritables difficultés, ne soyez pas découragés par les tarifs ci-dessus.  Parlez-en à nos premières laïques (Church Wardens) Pauline ou Anny.

Si vous voulez venir veuillez contacter nos Church wardens et envoyer les informations suivants par courriel à paulinejoy.dif@gmail.com ou annysamuels@gmail.com :

Numéro de contact et courriel  –  Nom de famille et âge des enfants –  Avez-vous besoin d’un transport OUI/   NON     Nous serons en voiture et pouvons offrir ….. places de passagers

La Semaine Sainte et Pâques

La Semaine Sainte et Pâques
Tous les cultes auront lieu en l’église des Dominicains,
41 Blvd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg sauf indication contraire.

Dimanche des Rameaux, 20 mars
10h30 Palm Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
15h00 Liturgie des palmes et Sainte Eucharistie (chez
les Pères Oblats, 21 route de la Wantzenau, 67000 Strasbourg)
Offrande de prières pour Saint Alban

Semaine Sainte, lundi le 21 mars à 19h00
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de réflection
chez Fida Marie et Claude Sarrouge-Bittar Hetsch
13 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 67000 Strasbourg

Semaine Sainte, mardi le 22 mars, à 19h00
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de réflection
chez Victoria and Naveed Jacob
5, rue Wallonie, 67000 Strasbourg

Semaine Saine, mercredi le 23 mars, à 19h00
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de reflection
chez Johny and Voahangy Ramananjatovo
13, rue Jean-Paul de Dadelsen, 67200 Strasbourg

Jeudi Saint, le 24 mars à 19h00
Liturgie du jour et Sainte Communion
Chapelle de l’Hôpital Civil, Porte de l’Hôpital

Liturgie du Vendredi Saint, 25 mars
13h00 – 14h45

Jour de Pâques, le 27 mars à 10h45
Sainte Eucharistie

Déjeuner de l’église au 15 rue d’Austerlitz après le culte.

Services Holy Week and Easter

All services will be at the Dominican Church, 41 Blvd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg unless otherwise stated.

Palm Sunday, March 20th
10h30 Palm Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
15h00 Liturgie des palmes et Sainte Eucharistie
(chez les Pères Oblats, 21 route de la Wantzenau, 67000 Strasbourg)
Offering of prayers for Saint Alban’s

Monday in Holy Week, March 21st
Holy Eucharist and pause for thought
chez Fida Marie and Claude Sarrouge-Bittar Hetsch
13 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 67000 Strasbourg at 19h00

Tuesday in Holy Week, March 22nd
Holy Eucharist and pause for thought
chez Victoria and Naveed Jacob
5 rue Wallonie, 67000 Strasbourg at 19h00

Wednesday in Holy Week, March 23rd
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de reflection
chez Johny and Voahangy Ramananjatovo
13 rue Jean-Paul de Dadelsen, 67200 Strasbourg at 19h00

Maundy Thursday / Jeudi Saint, March 24th
Liturgy for the day with Holy Communion
Chapel of the  Hôpital Civil, Porte de l’Hôpital,  at 19h00

Liturgy of Good Friday / Vendredi Saint, March 25th
13h00 – 14h45

Easter Day / Jour de Pâques, March 27th
Holy Eucharist / Sainte Eucharistie 10h45

After the service Church Lunch at 15 rue d’Austerlitz. 

Liebfrauenberg Weekend 11th – 13th March 2016

A weekend retreat on the topic “Love bade me Welcome: the priest and poet George Herbert expresses the Gospel in poetry”.

Leader: The Venerable Colin Williams, Archdeacon of Eastern and Northern Europe and Germany.

Liebfrauenberg, a former pilgrimage site and monastery , is a retreat centre on a hill with woods and wonderful view near Woerth in northern Alsace.  Every springtime, generally in Lent, members of the Anglican chaplaincies of Strasbourg, Heidelberg and Stuttgart meet here for a residential weekend.    As well as study and discussion of the given topic there is time to enjoy the company of friends and to make new ones, to worship together, walk in this beautiful area and enjoy rest and relaxation.  All are warmly invited to come and join in.  Children are always welcome.

The weekend starts with supper on the evening of Friday 11th March at 6.30pm and finishes at teatime on Sunday 13th March at about 3pm.  It is possible to come for just part of the time if you cannot make it for a whole weekend. If there are four or more children coming there will be a programme especially for them.  And on Saturday evening there is a long-standing tradition of visiting the local village for “tarte flambée”.

The leader this year, the Ven. Colin Williams, was recently appointed Archdeacon of Eastern and Northern Europa and Germany. Colin has been a parish priest in Liverpool, Lancashire and Shropshire, Archdeacon of Lancaster and was the General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches until 2010.

George Herbert (1593-1633) was a poet, orator and Anglican priest; some of his poems are familiar as the texts of hymns including “King of Glory, King of Peace”, “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing”  and “Teach me, my God and King”.

Colin will spend a session on what George Herbert teaches us about the Church of England. We will look at some of his poetry and what it has to say about our understanding of what is means to be a follower of Jesus Christ – for example, in our prayers and our sense of the sacrament of the present moment.  We shall see how in his poetry George Herbert widens our understanding of our incarnate, crucified and risen Lord.


Every effort is made to keep costs as low as possible but unfortunately this year it has  been necessary to make a small increase. The price is all inclusive with full board.  All the rooms have ensuite bathrooms.

Adults:                                    €75 each day

Young people 13-17 yrs       €54 each day

Children 4-12 yrs                   €40 each day

Children under 4 yrs             no charge.

If you would like to come but find the price difficult to afford please speak to the local Strasbourg organisers, John and Diane Murray (email: john.murray67@googlemail.com).

If you are going to come please use the booking form and let the organisers know by 28 February.

Booking form Lbfrberg 20160001 Email to:  john.murray67@googlemail.com

For more information about Liebfrauenberg see  http://www.eglise-autrement.com/