La Semaine Sainte et Pâques

La Semaine Sainte et Pâques
Tous les cultes auront lieu en l’église des Dominicains,
41 Blvd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg sauf indication contraire.

Dimanche des Rameaux, 20 mars
10h30 Palm Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
15h00 Liturgie des palmes et Sainte Eucharistie (chez
les Pères Oblats, 21 route de la Wantzenau, 67000 Strasbourg)
Offrande de prières pour Saint Alban

Semaine Sainte, lundi le 21 mars à 19h00
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de réflection
chez Fida Marie et Claude Sarrouge-Bittar Hetsch
13 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 67000 Strasbourg

Semaine Sainte, mardi le 22 mars, à 19h00
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de réflection
chez Victoria and Naveed Jacob
5, rue Wallonie, 67000 Strasbourg

Semaine Saine, mercredi le 23 mars, à 19h00
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de reflection
chez Johny and Voahangy Ramananjatovo
13, rue Jean-Paul de Dadelsen, 67200 Strasbourg

Jeudi Saint, le 24 mars à 19h00
Liturgie du jour et Sainte Communion
Chapelle de l’Hôpital Civil, Porte de l’Hôpital

Liturgie du Vendredi Saint, 25 mars
13h00 – 14h45

Jour de Pâques, le 27 mars à 10h45
Sainte Eucharistie

Déjeuner de l’église au 15 rue d’Austerlitz après le culte.

Services Holy Week and Easter

All services will be at the Dominican Church, 41 Blvd de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg unless otherwise stated.

Palm Sunday, March 20th
10h30 Palm Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist
15h00 Liturgie des palmes et Sainte Eucharistie
(chez les Pères Oblats, 21 route de la Wantzenau, 67000 Strasbourg)
Offering of prayers for Saint Alban’s

Monday in Holy Week, March 21st
Holy Eucharist and pause for thought
chez Fida Marie and Claude Sarrouge-Bittar Hetsch
13 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 67000 Strasbourg at 19h00

Tuesday in Holy Week, March 22nd
Holy Eucharist and pause for thought
chez Victoria and Naveed Jacob
5 rue Wallonie, 67000 Strasbourg at 19h00

Wednesday in Holy Week, March 23rd
Sainte Eucharistie et moment de reflection
chez Johny and Voahangy Ramananjatovo
13 rue Jean-Paul de Dadelsen, 67200 Strasbourg at 19h00

Maundy Thursday / Jeudi Saint, March 24th
Liturgy for the day with Holy Communion
Chapel of the  Hôpital Civil, Porte de l’Hôpital,  at 19h00

Liturgy of Good Friday / Vendredi Saint, March 25th
13h00 – 14h45

Easter Day / Jour de Pâques, March 27th
Holy Eucharist / Sainte Eucharistie 10h45

After the service Church Lunch at 15 rue d’Austerlitz. 

Prières de Carême pour St. Alban’s

Notre prêtre temporaire Christine écrit:  La prière est au centre de tout ce que nous sommes et de tout ce que nous faisons. Jésus priait continuellement son Père et l’Eglise universelle prie sans cesse. “Prières de Carême pour St. Alban’s” est une carte de prière qui a pour but de vous aider, vous et votre famille, à prier durant ce temps de Carême; à réfléchir à nos limitations et à rêver à la vie future, au ministère et au témoignage de Saint Alban’s.
Chaque membre de Saint Alban’s
hommes, femmes, enfants
pour le futur de Saint Alban’s
dix minutes
chaque jour à 19h00
autour d’une chandelle allumée
ensemble ou seul
en silence
en paroles
en méditant

Vers la fin du Carême, rassemblez toutes vos prières et vos rêves pour le futur de Saint Alban’s en une prière unique. Apportez-la à l’Eglise le Dimanche des Rameaux et toutes nos prières seront offertes à Dieu.

Carte Prières de Carême

Lent Prayers for St. Alban’s

Our locum priest Christine writes: Prayer is at the centre of everything we are and do. Jesus was continually at prayer with his Father, and the universal Church prays without ceasing. “Lent Prayers for St. Alban’s” is  a  prayer card is to help us and our families to pray during this time of Lent; to reflect on our shortcomings and to dream of the future life, ministry and witness of Saint Alban’s.
Every member of Saint Alban’s
men, women, children
for the future of Saint Alban’s
ten minutes
every day at 19h00
around a lighted candle
together or alone
in silence, through words
through meditation

Towards the end of Lent draw all of your prayers and dreams for the future of Saint Alban’s into a single prayer. Bring it to Church on Palm Sunday where all of our prayers will be offered to God.On the prayer card there are some verses from Scripture to guide us.

Card Lent Prayers

Liebfrauenberg Weekend 11th – 13th March 2016

A weekend retreat on the topic “Love bade me Welcome: the priest and poet George Herbert expresses the Gospel in poetry”.

Leader: The Venerable Colin Williams, Archdeacon of Eastern and Northern Europe and Germany.

Liebfrauenberg, a former pilgrimage site and monastery , is a retreat centre on a hill with woods and wonderful view near Woerth in northern Alsace.  Every springtime, generally in Lent, members of the Anglican chaplaincies of Strasbourg, Heidelberg and Stuttgart meet here for a residential weekend.    As well as study and discussion of the given topic there is time to enjoy the company of friends and to make new ones, to worship together, walk in this beautiful area and enjoy rest and relaxation.  All are warmly invited to come and join in.  Children are always welcome.

The weekend starts with supper on the evening of Friday 11th March at 6.30pm and finishes at teatime on Sunday 13th March at about 3pm.  It is possible to come for just part of the time if you cannot make it for a whole weekend. If there are four or more children coming there will be a programme especially for them.  And on Saturday evening there is a long-standing tradition of visiting the local village for “tarte flambée”.

The leader this year, the Ven. Colin Williams, was recently appointed Archdeacon of Eastern and Northern Europa and Germany. Colin has been a parish priest in Liverpool, Lancashire and Shropshire, Archdeacon of Lancaster and was the General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches until 2010.

George Herbert (1593-1633) was a poet, orator and Anglican priest; some of his poems are familiar as the texts of hymns including “King of Glory, King of Peace”, “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing”  and “Teach me, my God and King”.

Colin will spend a session on what George Herbert teaches us about the Church of England. We will look at some of his poetry and what it has to say about our understanding of what is means to be a follower of Jesus Christ – for example, in our prayers and our sense of the sacrament of the present moment.  We shall see how in his poetry George Herbert widens our understanding of our incarnate, crucified and risen Lord.


Every effort is made to keep costs as low as possible but unfortunately this year it has  been necessary to make a small increase. The price is all inclusive with full board.  All the rooms have ensuite bathrooms.

Adults:                                    €75 each day

Young people 13-17 yrs       €54 each day

Children 4-12 yrs                   €40 each day

Children under 4 yrs             no charge.

If you would like to come but find the price difficult to afford please speak to the local Strasbourg organisers, John and Diane Murray (email:

If you are going to come please use the booking form and let the organisers know by 28 February.

Booking form Lbfrberg 20160001 Email to:

For more information about Liebfrauenberg see




Locum priests at St. Alban’s

Since our last Priest-in-Charge left in February 2013, we have been blest with a succession of locums, that is, priests who come for anything between 3 weeks and 3 months, lead our worship, inspire us with their sermons, care for those in need and generally make an important contribution to the spiritual life of St. Alban’s .
We are very grateful to our resident clergy, the Revd John Murray and the Revd Christine Bloomfield, who undertake locum duties themselves and, very importantly, support those locums who are new to St. Alban’s. Our Reader, David Cowley, is another pillar of strength and leads the Early Call Prayer Breakfasts on the third Sunday of the month. And we always appreciate the ministry of Bishop Venuste whenever his arduous work schedule makes that possible.
The Revd John Murray has very generously covered the services over the summer. His tenth and last Sunday was on 6th September.
From 13th September until 4th October we welcome back the Revd Roger Wikeley, who was with us last in May. It will be his third visit and we are glad that he is coming.
From 11th October until 1st November our locum is the Revd Robert Ferguson, a native of the Isle of Man, who will be coming straight to Strasbourg from Fontainebleu where he will also have acted as locum.
From 8th November until 27th December the Revd Peter Jordan and his wife Barbara will be with us, and we are very grateful to them for agreeing to spend the Christmas festival at St. Alban’s, in spite of having a large family back home near Liverpool. Peter was Chaplain in Barcelona for many years.
In the meantime the search for a new Priest-in-Charge continues. A new permanent appointment is important to ensure continuity and sustained development, and to help St. Alban’s grow and flourish.

Sarah Palmer.

ACAS Dorlisheim Brocante

a record year

Our ACAS Charity Association will this year have a bumper display as people  have been exceptionally generous.  We had to use 11 full car loads to transport it all to Dorlisheim.

On Sunday 14th June, the whole village of Dorlisheim is organising a massive brocante, with lots of food stands and fun rides for the children. You can wander round the village to your heart’s content, looking for the elusive plate or cup you would like to complete Grandma’s service !!  Or yet another gnome for your garden collection!

Why not decide to come over and visit after church?  The ACAS core team, Anny, Johanna, Maryline, Pauline, Victoria and the Youth Club members have worked very hard to set everything up and they would love to see you there.

Especially this year, we are extremely grateful to Diane and John Murray for letting us use their yard and outbuildings again.  Your Charity Association needs your support.

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tout va toujours beaucoup mieux en chantant

tout va toujours beaucoup mieux en chantant

sorting bags, essential but tedious

sorting bags, essential but tedious

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The hard working ACAS team

The hard working ACAS team