Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 – 25 January 2017

Wednesday 18 January sees the begin of this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; on this day the Anglicans in the Diocese in Europe are asked to pray for those celebrating the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation and give thanks for the various agreements of full communion between Anglican and Lutheran Churches around the world.   The Anglican Centre in Rome, which works to promote unity in a divided world, has produced a prayer card for the entire week up until Wednesday 25 January, which can be downloaded here:


In Strasbourg there will be an ecumenical service for the Esplanade Catholic churches and Eglise St Mathieu (Protestante), at Christ Ressuscité (4 rue de Palerme) on Sunday 22 January at 10.30 a.m.

The diocese offers this prayer for the week:

O God, it is your will to hold heaven and earth in a single peace. Let the design of your great love shine on the scandal of our divisions: give peace and unity to your church, peace among nations, peace in our homes, peace in our hearts. Amen

Women’s very special Breakfast Meeting, 10 December 2016.

The Women’s Bible Study group of St. Alban’s invites all interested women to an international Christian women’s meeting to be held on Saturday 10 December, 9.00h, at the

Athena Spa Hotel, 1 rue Armande Béjart, 67200 Strasbourg, http://www.athenaspahotel.com, Tram A or D, Hôpital de Hautepierre .

A hot breakfast awaits you at 9.00h prompt.

The guest speaker will be Ms. Lana Packer, who is the founder of Kainos, a large ministry actively helping women trafficked into Germany.  She has also ministered for over 30 years to cross-cutural groups and denominations in over 30 different countries, and currently lives in Stuttgart, where her husband serves as pastor of the International Baptist Church. https://kainos-ev.com/about/founders.

Interpretation into French will be provided.

If you would like to come, please confirm to

Tiffne Whittley:  twhitley@cbf.net

Murielle Richardson:  richardson.murielle@orange.fr

Catherine Emezie:  cathemzie@gmail.com.  Tel. 0647 981893.


“O Come let us adore him, Christ the Lord” – Christmas Services at St. Alban’s.

Welcome to the Christmas services at St. Alban’s: “O come let us adore him, Christ the Lord.”


Christmas Eve, 24 December, 17.00h, Chapelle de l’Hôpital Civil, Strasbourg

A service of light with readings and carols.

(Trams A and D, “Porte de l’Hôpital”. Enter the hospital grounds through the archway and  go up the steps immediately to the left . Inside, the door to the Chapel is the first one of the left.)


Christmas Day, 25 December, 10.45h, Dominican Church, 41 blvd de la Victoire, Strasbourg.

Holy Communion.

(Trams C, E, F, “Observatoire),


Boxing Day, 26 December, 16.30h, Dominican Church, 41 blvd de la Victoire, Strasbourg.

Service of Lessons and Carols.


Sunday 1 January 2017, 10.30h, Dominican Church, 41 blvd de la Victoire, Strasbourg.

The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus.  Holy Communion with special prayers for the New Year.


The clergy and churchwardens of St. Alban’s wish you a blessed Christmas and New Year.

Soirée caritative au profit des sinistrés de Foulpointe, Madagascar, 5. novembre 2016

On Sunday 11 September 2016 disaster struck again in Foulpointe, a small coastal town in eastern Madagascar. For the second time since 2009 a fire broke out and destroyed many of the traditional houses, which in this region are roofed with thatch made of the fronds of the traveller’s palm (ravinala madagascariensis), known locally as falafa.  The Anglican priest in Foulpointe, the Rev. Tongasoa, was one of the many made homeless by the fire.  He has opened the Anglican church of Foulpointe to house five families, but the church building itself can only offer rudimentary shelter: in 2014 it was destroyed in a cyclone.  St. Alban’s donated money then to provide building materials for the church, and at least in the meantime  a new roof has been built.  However, the  families now housed there have lost everything; in particular they need cooking utensils, and of course the means to rebuild their houses.

That is why ACAMA, the association of Malgache Anglicans in Alsace, is organising a Soirée Caritative on Saturday 5 November 2016 in the Salle des Fêtes du Baggersee at lllkirch. (see attached flyer).

flyer-recto-acama flyer-verso-acama-1

Starting at 21.00h there will be music (provided by Hazo Ala) and delicious Malagache food.  All are invited to attend and combine having a good time with supporting a fellow Anglican community.  Donations are welcomed to ACAMA (details below), tax receipts are available if required.

The Anglican Church of the Virgin Mary in Foulpointe is very dear to the hearts of the Malgache Anglicans in Strasbourg, as Foulpointe (originally known as Hopeful, then Walk-on Point) was where the first Anglican missionaries to Madagascar landed in 1864. The Rev. William Hey and the Rev. John Holding of the S.P.G. (Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) were in their mid-twenties when they arrived. Hey set up a small Mission church in a village 12 miles south of Tamatave, on the eastern coast, where today there is a stele of remembrance, and with Holding translated parts of the Book of Common Prayer into Malagasy.

“Hey died soon from the effects of the climate and the hardships to which he was exposed; and Holding, after repeated attacks of fever, had to return in 1969 to England permanently … For several years Holding was the only ordained missionary of the Church of England, ‘clergyman, schoolmaster, musician, printer, doctor and general manager; and yet he made good progress.  (http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/Muss-Arnolt/part6a.htm)

As Voahangy Ramanajatovo, the Anglican Malgache Worship Leader in Strasbourg, writes: “We wish to continue to help this church exist which is a part of the religious heritage of the Anglicans in Madagascar”.

ACAMA Alsace, CCM Plaine de la Bruche, 1 quai du Moulin,  67120 Duttlenheim

IBAN: FR76 1027 8012 2300 0200 2310 151             BIC: CMCIFR2A

Baking Bredele and enjoying the authentic Christmas taste of Alsace

Christmas in Alsace is unthinkable without Bredele (literally “little breads” in Alsatian), those melt-in-your-mouth, savour-the-flavour little biscuits that make pre-Christmas weight-watching so difficult to keep up.  They are made to an infinite variety of different recipes, often handed down from generation to generation of baking mothers and daughters, and consist mainly of ground nuts and coconut, eggs, spices, chocolate,  flour and sugar.   We are fortunate indeed to have in our Church a proven mistress of the art of Bredele baking, Anny Samuels.  And she will be happy to share the secret of perfect Bredele baking with all those interested  – for a good cause, bien entendu.  The Bredele then baked by afficionados on three Saturdays in November and December will be on sale after church in the coffee room on Sundays 11th and 18th December.  The proceeds will go to help the  charitable projects our Church supports.

All are welcome to join in !  Baking Bredele is a wonderful way to be creative and see the results of one’s labours, enjoy good company and  have a good laugh.

The Grand Bredele Countdown:

Saturday 19 November             Introduction to Bredele baking    chez Anny Samuels, 13 rue de Landsberg, 67100 Strasbourg

Saturday 26 November             Baking Bredele                                chez Irène Neuschwander, 17 rue Ste. Marguerite, 67201 Eckbolsheim

Saturday 3 December                Baking Bredele                                chez Rev. Christine Bloomfield, 28 rue Principale, 67270 Kienheim

Saturday 10 December              Baking Bredele                                chez Anny Samuels, 13 rue de Landsberg, 67100 Strasbourg

Sale of Bredele:

Sundays 11 and 18 December           after church in coffee room after Sunday Eucharist, Église des Dominicains,



Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s bible study will take place on Friday 21 October at 18.45h, at no. 15 rue d’Austerlitz, Strasbourg – doorbell Chaplaincy house. (Tram A and D, Porte de l’hôpital). The Rev. Christine Bloomfield will lead the study.

Also save the date: Friday 18 November at 18.45h.

16 October Sunday Hamper – Panier du dimanche

Sunday morning is often a stressful time for parents: not only do they have the kids (and themselves)  to get out of bed and to church on time, but there’s also the Sunday lunch to think about.  At least the Sunday lunch on 16 October shouldn’t be a problem if you take advantage of our offer of the Sunday hamper, the Panier du dimanche.  It’s all there: entrée, main course and pudding. Samusas, spicy chicken wings and the most delicious meat balls you will ever taste (courtesy of Victoria and Voahangy), Chicken Biryani or a variety of quiches (courtesy of Victoria, Christine,  Johanna and Cecilia), Tiramisu, Swiss Roll or Panna Cotta (courtesy of Fida Marie, Emmanuel Mente and Johanna)  All you have to do is to order it.  And that you can do by placing  your order by email to maryline.neuschwander@orange.de by Thursday 13 October at the latest. You can find more details and the prices on the attachment below  “bon de commande ACAS”

The money you give for your Sunday Hamper/Panier du dimanche goes to people in need in France, Madagascar and Pakistan, to suport causes that the charitable association of our church ACAS has adopted in our name.  The more you give, the more we can do, for instance to alleviate the need of the Anglican church and people in Foulpointe, Madagascar, whose town was recently ravaged  by a fire.

And should you want to order a Sunday Hamper/Panier du dimanche for another date, you can contact Victoria, Cecilia, Christine Bloomfield and Emmanuel Mente and arrange for them to provide their dish when you need it.   Maryline Neuschwander can provide their contact details.


16 October Harvest Festival – Fête des Récoltes

On 16 October St. Alban’s celebrates its Harvest Festival, when we give thanks for all that God’s creation provides for us.  Traditionally we bring gifts of food to church to symbolise the fruits of the harvest. However, rather than piling pumkins up in front of the altar we try to think in more practical terms about the food that the homeless in the city of Strasbourg need.  For many years now we have supported the Breakfast Programme of the Salvation Army: several times a week they serve breakfast to those who have no roof over their head or no opportunity to buy or prepare food for themselves.  Generally about 70 people come to these breakfasts and  have at least one decent meal a day.  So at Harvest Festival all of us are asked to bring something suitable for breakfast to church: cereal, coffee, tea, UHT milk, sugar, jam, bread, apples, oranges (nothing too perishable).  These gifts will be blessed and then taken to the Salvation Army, who very much appreciate  St. Alban’s harvest donations.

Baptism of Louis Chinedum Alexandre Baron

Ozichi and Alex Baron invite all members of St. Alban’s to attend the baptism of their son Louis Chinedum Alexandre on Saturday 23 July at 4 pm at the Eglise des Dominicains, 41 bld de la Victoire, and welcome with them this new member of our Anglican church.

Ozichi Baron et Alex Baron sont heureux de vous inviter tous au baptême de leur fils Louis Chinedum Alexandre à notre Eglise Anglicane, “Eglise des Dominicains”, Boulevard de la Victoire, le samedi 23 juillet 2016 à 16h00.


Pastoral Letter from Bishop Robert

The Bishop in Europe, the Right Reverend Dr.Robert Innes, has written a Pastoral Letter to everyone in the Diocese in Europe concerning the implications of the UK vote to leave the EU in the recent Referendum.
He writes:
“The UK’s Referendum on EU membership is one of the most significant political events of our time, for British people and for Europeans more generally. For some it is seen as an opportunity, for many others of us it has generated profound feelings of sadness, grief and shock. These feelings may exist within the membership of our chaplaincies and if so need to be recognised. We encourage you to talk to your clergy about what has happened, and to seek mutual support andunderstanding.”
You can read the entire letter on the Diocesan website by following this link: