Outbreak of plague in Madagascar / Épidémie de la peste en Madagascar

Our Malgache fellow-Anglicans are deeply worried about an outbreak of plague in Madagascar.  According to the WHO, the outbreak has spread to the capital and port towns, infecting more than 100 people in just a few weeks. The WHO is rapidly scaling up its response to the crisis.  The Strasbourg Malgache community has been supporting the rebuilding of an Anglican church at Foulpointe, near Tamatave, one of the coastal cities already affected.


The Malgache Worship Leader Voahangy Ramananjatovo writes :

“Endémique à Madagascar, la peste est responsable du décès de 19 personnes ces deux derniers mois, selon un dernier bilan communiqué jeudi par le ministère de la Santé.

« Nous avons enregistré 104 cas suspects de peste, dont 19 décès dans tout Madagascar », a annoncé le ministre de la Santé, le professeur Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo. Soit une augmentation substantielle du nombre de décès depuis le précédent bilan officiel de l’épidémie, communiqué mi-septembre, qui faisait alors état de cinq morts.

« Cette année, la saison pesteuse a commencé assez tôt et de manière brutale », a souligné le ministre. Alors que la peste se manifeste généralement d’octobre à mars dans la Grande Île, le premier décès a été enregistré le 28 août. Après avoir contracté la maladie à Ankazobe, dans le centre du pays, le malade est mort dans un taxi-brousse à Moramanga alors qu’il tentait de rejoindre Tamatave, une localité située sur la côte est.

Mouvement de panique

Chemin faisant, il a contaminé deux passagers, décédés début septembre. Une succession de cas à l’origine d’un mouvement de panique, surtout à Tamatave, qui n’a pas connu la peste depuis cent ans, selon le ministère. Les pharmacies de la ville ont d’ailleurs été prises d’assaut par les habitants.

Avec deux décès, la capitale malgache, Antananarivo, n’est pas épargnée. Parmi les victimes, « une petite fille qui venait d’assister à un famadihana (tradition malgache de retournement des morts) à Fianarantsoa (centre) », a indiqué le ministère.

La peste réapparaît presque chaque année à Madagascar depuis 1980, à la faveur de la saison des pluies, de la tradition de « retournement des morts » et de la recrudescence des feux de brousse, selon le ministère. Développée chez les rats, puis véhiculée par les puces, la bactérie de la peste peut être foudroyante sous sa forme pneumonique – transmissible par la toux – en tuant son hôte en seulement 24 à 72 heures. Sa forme bubonique se soigne, si traitée à temps, avec des antibiotiques.”



Church Lunch at Baggersee 8th October 2017

The Churchwardens Denis Le Moullac & Pauline Dif write:
It is now the time of year when we start back to work and school. St. Alban’s Church too will begin a new and important phase in its life. This autumn we will be welcoming into our church family a new priest-in-charge Mark Barwick, his wife Corinna, and their two young children Madeleine and Elias. Mark will take his first church service with us on October 1.

We would like to use the occasion of our Annual Church Lunch at the Baggersee to introduce him and his family to our varied and diverse congregation in a memorable happy celebration together.
The lunch will be held after church on Sunday October 8 at the Baggersee venue (in a park on a large lake to the south of the Meinau, and a 10-minute walk from the tram stop “Hohwart” on the A line in the direction of Graffenstaden, along the rue du Languedoc).
It will take the form of a “pot-luck” meal. You are all warmly invited to attend and to contribute in bringing food and drink to share with everyone. There will be a list on display at the back of the church over the next few Sundays on which to indicate what you intend to contribute. You may also contact Pauline Dif (tel. ) or Anny Samuels (tel. to find out what may be needed.
During the lunch there will be a Tombola draw, with a good selection of prizes. The proceeds will go to help the work of ACAS, the church’s charitable and outward-giving association.

Come on Sunday October 8 to enjoy a good time together as a church community and to meet our new chaplain and his family informally over a convivial meal .

Fighting modern slavery in Pakistan – presentation on 6 September.

The Rev. Silas Lazar, from the Mission Revival Church in Montreal, Canada, is currently touring  Europe as part of his ministry to raise support for his particular project in Pakistan.  His concern is with persecuted families (women, children) working in brick-making factories in different parts of Pakistan who are mistreated, tortured, kept under bondage as debt payers from generation to generation, and are denied freedom.  The Rev. Silas Lazar is the author of many Christian books; his most recent release is entitled “Remove your mountain by releasing your power” and is available as an e-book.

His tour will take him to Paris, Geneva, Marseille and Brussels, where he will present his project: beginning with the release of families from bondage it aims to reinstate them in the main-stream community.  On 6th September he will be in Strasbourg to publicise this project at the home of the Jacobs family.

An open invitation is extended to anyone who would like to find out more about his work to join the Jacobs family on 6th September, 2017 at 5 rue de Wallonie, Apartment 4, 67000 Strasbourg at 12.00h (lunch will be served); the presentation should end at 13:30h.

Please let the Jacobs know if you can come – by email to:

jacobnaveed@yahoo.fr or

jacvic2007@yahoo.fr or

Tel. 06 68 74 07 20.



Earlier start of All Age Worship on 3 September

The services on Sunday 3 September, the first Sunday of the month, have been rearranged – for the best of good reasons.  At 11.00am Mary and Endurance will be celebrating their wedding and the baptism of their child; all are invited to take part in the ceremony and stay afterwards for a reception in the Centre Mounier.

As a result, the usual communion service according to the Book of Common Prayer will not take place on 3 September, but instead on the following Sunday, 10 September, at 9.40am.

The service of All Age Worship will begin half an hour earlier than usual, at 10.00am, in time to the wedding to start at 11.00am.

Golden opportunity for singers – Choral Evensong in Paris

The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) has a branch in France, and organises Singing Days for choral enthusiasts led by excellent conductors.  On 21 October 2017 it is organising a National Festival at the American Cathedral in Paris to sing Choral Evensong there, and one of the world’s leading church musicians, Malcolm Archer, will be directing it.  He has has enjoyed a distinguished career in cathedral music, which has taken him to posts at Norwich, Bristol, Wells Cathedrals and then Director of Music at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.  He is now Director of Chapel Music at Winchester College in Hampshire.

Singers who enrol receive the music ahead of time so that they can prepare for a day of rigorous but exhilarating rehearsals, culminating in the service of Choral Evensong.  Anyone who is interested can take part.  Thanks to the good TGV connection between Strasbourg and Paris the trip can easily be done in one day.   A booking form is attached.

RSCM Booking form 21.10.17


New Priest-in-Charge for St. Alban’s

On 1st October we will welcome the next chaplain of St Alban’s, the Revd Dr Mark Barwick, who comes to us from All Saints’ Church in Waterloo, Belgium.

Fr Mark has been described by some as a tender of sacred fires, referring to his work as a teacher, spiritual guide and retreat leader. He also brings considerable experience in building ecumenical and interfaith relations.

He has worked for more than twenty years for non-governmental organisations in the promotion of justice, peace and human dignity, particularly in African countries. He has been policy adviser for several international organisations and a regular presenter at the European Parliament and other European institutions.

Originally from Washington, DC, Mark comes with his wife Corinna, from Essen, Germany, daughter Madeleine (age 6) and son Elias (age 3).

Revd. Dr. Mark Barwick     

Summer locum priest

Once again the Revd. John Murray has agreed to act as locum priest during the summer months of July and August, and we are very grateful to him for that.  His contact details are on the  “About us” page on this website under the heading “Who is Who.”  The best way to get in touch with him is by phone or email.

     The Revd. John Murray.

Welcome to our locum priest

Our “new” locum priest has in fact a familiar face; the Revd. Peter Jordan with his wife Barbara spent two months in Strasbourg at the end of 2015.  Peter is certainly the best guitar-playing locum St. Alban’s has ever had, and the Sunday School children responded enthusiastically to Barbara’s animated choreography.   Peter and Barbara write:

“It is a great pleasure for us to return – previous visit November and December 2015 – to St Alban’s as locum for May and June. The superb accommodation on Rue d’Austerlitz must be one of the best locations for a locum/chaplain in Europe in one of the most beautiful of cities! We have already met with a number of old friends in the congregation and we look forward to meeting many more of you.  With love in Him, Peter and Barbara Jordan.”

Services in Holy Week

Our locum priest John Murray writes:

“During Holy Week we’re having four communion services in people’s homes. These have a special atmosphere, more intimate than our Sunday services in church. As at the Last Supper in the upper room, we gather around a table in an ordinary home and remember that very special meal to which Jesus attached a new meaning with his words “This is my body…This is my blood”.

Monday 10 April at 7 p.m.

Holy Communion at the home of Eila Walker,

21 rue Auguste Himly, Strasbourg-Robertsau. 03 88 31 82 11

Tuesday 11 April at 7 p.m.

Holy Communion at the home of Naveed and Victoria Jacob,

5 rue de Wallonie. Tel 03 88 34 55 48

Mercredi 12 avril à 18h00

Eucharistie en français chez Jean et Marie-France Ramanitrarivo,

1 rue du Ried, 67800 Hoenheim. Tel 09 53 71 07 33

Maundy Thursday, 13 April, at 7 p.m.

Holy Communion at the Chaplaincy flat, 15 rue d’Austerlitz, Strasbourg.

Good Friday, 14 April from 1.00 to 2.45 p.m.  Église des Dominicains

Meditations on the Passion (1.00 to 2.00 p.m.), followed by

Liturgy of Good Friday (2.00 to 2.45 p.m.)

Easter Day, 16 April at 10.30 a.m.  Église des Dominicains

Holy Eucharist  followed by Easter Sunday lunch at the home of John and Diane Murray, 21 rue de l’Hospice, Dorlisheim (Tel 03 88 36 12 25). Everyone is welcome, but it would be a help if you could let us know in advance if you are coming. Lifts will be available.

Children Sleepover 29-30 April

                      Aumônerie anglicane de Strasbourg
                                                                                           Anglican Chaplaincy Strasbourg
                                           Association à but cultuel inscrite au Registre des Associations
                                                                                   du Tribunal d’Instance de Strasbourg,
                                                                      Vol. LXXII, Folio N° 114, Dossier N° 229/1995

                                                                                   15 rue d’Austerlitz, 67000 Strasbourg
                                                                                                                                                                      Tél. 06 24 33 16 16


On a beautiful December day, we went for a trip in the Vosges looking for a chalet site able to welcome our « Children Sleepover » 2017.  After a rather inconclusive first attempt, we finally discovered a chalet fulfilling all our expectations.

It is the « chalet des Amis de la Nature de la Chaume des Veaux » high above Hohwald. At 980 m above sea level, near the « Champ du Feu » ski resort, the house can be reached in all seasons via the Kreutzweg pass. The house offers 80 beds, split between 28 rooms of capacity for 2 up to 6.  There are two big dining rooms, one called Le Ranch seating 35, the other one can seat 70, and the kitchen is well equipped.

It is an ideal child friendly site:  they can play outside without any risk as there is no major road in the neighbourhood.  In case of rain, there are tables for games such as “baby foot” (table football)  and table tennis.

The ramblers will also be delighted as there are plenty of footpaths.  The view from the magnificent terrace and the quiet surroundings alone ma

To get there, please take the Strasbourg-Colmar motorway, take the exit Mittelbergheim-Andlau, drive through Andlau and Hohwald (in the direction of Champ du Feu) after the village, turn to the right at the panel indicating Chalet des Amis de la Nature.

We will be able to spend a weekend devoted to our children and friends, in God’s Grace. ke the trip worth while.

We have confirmed our booking for the weekend of 29th & 30th April.  Their rates enable us to offer even better tariffs than last year.

The weekend will cost 15 Euros per adult, 12 Euros per child up to 18 years of age, accommodation and food included.  We have set up a family offer for 40 Euros.  People joining us only for a day will contribute 5 Euros to the costs of meals and rental costs of the premises.

Please note that you will have to bring your sheets and pillow cases (or a sleeping bag). The detailed programme will be sent out later on.

Registration form

Surname:  ………………………………………………………………………….   first name:…………………………………………………………………………..


Number of people: ………………………………..


Will come for:                       –        the whole weekend (*)

(*) circle your choice           –       only on the Saturday

–       only on the Sunday.

Is planning to bring the following contribution to the meals (or drinks):



Is willing to help out on the following tasks: ……………………………


(Example: preparing meals, washing up, cleaning the reception areas before departure, leisure activities, etc.)


Please do register as soon as possible with either Pauline Dif or Anny Samuels.

Chalet details: tel. 03 88 69 36 16 – email: resa@chaumedesveaux.org

website: www.chaumesdesveaux.org (for further information).


Chalet details: tel. 03 88 69 36 16 – email: resa@chaumedesveaux.org

website: www.chaumesdesveaux.org (for further information).



