New member of Ministry Team

On 2 June we welcomed Philip Zoutendam, who joins St Alban’s Ministry Team for the months of June and July in fulfilment of his field placement during seminary studies. He comes to us from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC (USA). Welcome, Philip!


Church finances: What do you know?

What is the largest expense in our church budget?

It is the rental costs of the flat at 12 avenue de la Forêt Noire at 1800 € per month (21 600 € per year).  This is not only the home for our priest and his family; it also serves as an essential church office base, the legal siège de l’association cultuelle and for various church activities.

Ascension Day 30 May

The Sunday School Sleepover has been postponed to another time – Everyone seems to be traveling!!

However, there will be an Ascension celebration & champagne brunch for all at the Chaplaincy flat

(12 ave. de la Forêt Noire) this Thursday 30 May at 10h30.

This will also be a good occasion to come and welcome Philip Zoutendam, who joins St Alban’s Ministry Team for the months of June and July.

Philip comes to us from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC (USA).

The Feast of the Ascension celebrates the ascent of Jesus to God the Father. After his death and resurrection, he leaves his disciples while still continuing to be with them… but differently. He promises to send them the Holy Spirit to be with them forever.

The Ascension, coming forty days after Easter Sunday, marks Christ’s entry into the glory of God and is a major feast of the Church. It is viewed as an extension of Easter and the announcement of Pentecost ten days later.

La fête de l’Ascension célèbre la montée de Jésus vers Dieu son Père. Mort et ressuscité, il quitte ses disciples tout en continuant d’être présent auprès d’eux… mais différemment. Il promet de leur envoyer l’Esprit-Saint qui serait avec eux pour toujours.

La fête de l’Ascension, tombant quarante jours après Pâques, marque l’entrée du Christ dans la gloire de Dieu. Elle est une des principales fêtes de l’Eglise. C’est le prolongement de Pâques et annonce la Pentecôte, dix jours plus tard.



ACAS Brocante/Flea Market 9 June

ACAS, the charitable association of St. Alban’s, is partipating in the village-wide flea market on 9 June in Dorlisheim to raise money for people in need.  The ACAS stands will be set up in the courtyard of the house belonging to John and Diane Murray, and your contributions of sellable items are very welcome!

Women’s Breakfast Bible Study 9 March

Catherine Emezie writes:

Our next women’s breakfast meeting will be held on Saturday 9 March at 09.00h. I will host the breakfast at my place (24 rue Cerf Berr, 67200 Strasbourg, Tram D, Bus 4a Poteries). Below is the link to watch the movie “Heaven is for Real” which Astrid has kindly shared with us so that we can watch the movie beforehand. You could probably make some notes as you watch since we will only be able to watch excerpts on the meeting day and thus have more time to discuss.

This link is just for watching, not for downloading the movie.




Liebfrauenberg Weekend 5 – 7 April 2019

Save the date!  The joint chaplaincy weekend, organised annually with Heidelberg and Stuttgart, will take place from 5 -7 April 2019. The leader will be Andrew Lane, director of the Quaker Council for European Affairs in Brussels. Andrew will talk about Quaker beliefs and actions and the work of his organisation. For more information follow this link:

Liebfrauenberg Weekend 2018

Or contact Diane Murray at 03 88 36 12 25.

Women’s Bible Study 8 February

Catherine Emezie writes:

I’m pleased to invite you to the next women’s bible study on Friday 8 February at 18h45. Ida Palumbo has kindly agreed to host it and her address is:

23 rue Kempf

Robertsau (Strasbourg)

Bus 6 (arrêt Robertsau Eglise), Bus L1 (S. François), Tram E Boecklin and then 10-12 minutes walk (or take bus 6).

Ashley Kim, a 2nd year student at Handong International US Law School (located in Korea) will lead the study based on John 15:1-8 (Jesus the True Vine).

I really look forward to seeing as many of us as possible. As always, please feel free to invite a friend along.

Save the date for next breakfast meeting:

Saturday 9 March @ 09h00: