CHURCH FINANCES: What do you know?

What was the financial state of the church over 2018?

The total income received of 53 415 Euro was not sufficient to meet the total expenses of 64 829 Euro ; thus a deficit of 11 414 Euro had to be taken out of reserves. The difference corresponds to a shortfall of nearly 250 Euro per week!

What will be the state of church finances in 2019?

That is in your hands ………  with increased commitment to regular giving being essential.  Currently, over the first part of the year, we have been running a deficit of about 1200 Euro per month, even though we are not incurring exceptional expenses.

It is time for positive action to move the tide in the right direction so that the work and witness of our church community can prosper with God’s help.

Summer Study Series: The Lord’s Prayer

A 3-part Summer Study series begins on 25th June:

Praying with your life: the Lord’s Prayer and Christian Discipleship.

Discover how the Lord’s Prayer shapes us as we pray, directing our desires toward God and transforming us into the likeness of Christ.

Tuesday evenings 25th June, 9th July and 23rd July, 19h30-21h00 at the Chaplaincy apartment, 12 Ave de la Forêt Noire, Strasbourg.
Leader:  Philip Zoutendam.



Brocante/Flea Market in Dorlisheim 9 June.

Anny Samuels et Pauline Dif écrirent:

Nous voudrions vous remercier du fond du cœur pour l’aide précieuse que beaucoup d’entre vous a apporté ces derniers jours, et particulièrement dimanche, pour organiser la brocante, tenir les stands et remballer les invendus.

Un grand merci à Diane pour son chaleureux accueil (et pour son hébergement), cela nous a considérablement facilité la tâche. Et à Victoria pour son délicieux biryani.

Pour votre information, la brocante a rapporté un peu plus de 500 € à l’ACAS et 175 € à l’église, qu’elle utilisera pour financer en partie les travaux de réfection de l’appartement de Nick Rivier. Le jeu en valait la chandelle !


We would like to say a heartfelt thank-you for the invaluable help that many of you gave in the past few days, especially on Sunday, to organize the flea market, man/woman the stands and repack the unsold goods.

A big thank you to Diane for her warm welcome (and for her accommodation), it made life much easier for us. And to Victoria for her delicious biryani.

For your information, the flea market raised a little over 500 € for the ACAS and 175 € for the Church, which we will use to finance part of the repair work on Nick Rivier’s apartment. The game was worth the candle, as we say in French!

Cordialement/Best regards

Anny Samuels et Pauline Dif


Women’s Breakfast Meeting 29 June

Catherine Emezie writes:

I am pleased to invite you to the next women’ breakfast on Saturday 29 June at 09.00. Andrea has kindly agreed to host the meeting in their home; 9 rue des Faisans, 67800 Bischeim (Bus L3 – Cheval Blanc, Bus 50 – Zorn, Tram B – le Marais).

We will study together another of Jesus’ I Am sayings: “I am  the way, and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14.6). To prepare this, please read John 14 before then.

Please save this date as this will be the last meeting before we break up for the summer holidays. It would be very helpful if you could confirm if you are coming. Feel free to bring a friend along. I very much look forward to seeing you.

God bless





New member of Ministry Team

On 2 June we welcomed Philip Zoutendam, who joins St Alban’s Ministry Team for the months of June and July in fulfilment of his field placement during seminary studies. He comes to us from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC (USA). Welcome, Philip!


Church finances: What do you know?

What is the largest expense in our church budget?

It is the rental costs of the flat at 12 avenue de la Forêt Noire at 1800 € per month (21 600 € per year).  This is not only the home for our priest and his family; it also serves as an essential church office base, the legal siège de l’association cultuelle and for various church activities.

Ascension Day 30 May

The Sunday School Sleepover has been postponed to another time – Everyone seems to be traveling!!

However, there will be an Ascension celebration & champagne brunch for all at the Chaplaincy flat

(12 ave. de la Forêt Noire) this Thursday 30 May at 10h30.

This will also be a good occasion to come and welcome Philip Zoutendam, who joins St Alban’s Ministry Team for the months of June and July.

Philip comes to us from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC (USA).

The Feast of the Ascension celebrates the ascent of Jesus to God the Father. After his death and resurrection, he leaves his disciples while still continuing to be with them… but differently. He promises to send them the Holy Spirit to be with them forever.

The Ascension, coming forty days after Easter Sunday, marks Christ’s entry into the glory of God and is a major feast of the Church. It is viewed as an extension of Easter and the announcement of Pentecost ten days later.

La fête de l’Ascension célèbre la montée de Jésus vers Dieu son Père. Mort et ressuscité, il quitte ses disciples tout en continuant d’être présent auprès d’eux… mais différemment. Il promet de leur envoyer l’Esprit-Saint qui serait avec eux pour toujours.

La fête de l’Ascension, tombant quarante jours après Pâques, marque l’entrée du Christ dans la gloire de Dieu. Elle est une des principales fêtes de l’Eglise. C’est le prolongement de Pâques et annonce la Pentecôte, dix jours plus tard.