Season of Creation

A Time to Hope and to Act

Fr. Mark writes:

Each year from the 1st of September to October 4th, Christians around the world unite in prayer and action to protect our common home. We celebrate God as Creator – not as a one-off act but as the unfolding of God’s creative love and care for all that is.   And we are collaborators and co-creators with God in safe-guarding the integrity of the Earth. In fact, it is becoming more and more apparent that our own well-being -even survival  –  is interwoven with that of all the Earth.  This year’s theme for the Season of Creation is  ‘To hope and act with Creation.’

For many, this is a time of eco-anxiety and for good reason! And yet Christians, born of the hope of Resurrection, are called to embody that hope through our prayers and acts of solidarity.  Let’s all be thinking of ways that we can collaborate with our Creator in the healing of the Earth. How will you think, pray and act, full of hope and purpose, in thIs Season of Creation?

 Espérer et agir avec la Création

Chaque année, du 1er septembre au 4 octobre, les chrétiens du monde entier s’unissent dans la prière et l’action pour protéger notre maison commune.  Nous célébrons Dieu qui est Créateur – non pas comme un acte ponctuel, mais comme le déroulement d’une histoire d’amour créateur et de l’attention de Dieu accorde à tout ce qui est. Nous sommes des collaborateurs et des co-créateurs avec lui pour sauve-garder l’intégrité de la Terre. En fait, il devient de plus en plus évident que notre propre bien-être – voire notre survie – est étroitement lié à celui de toute la Terre. Le thème de cette année pour le Temps pour Création est 

« Espérer et agir avec la Création ». 

Pour beaucoup, c’est une période d’éco-anxiété et pour de bonnes raisons !  Et pourtant, les chrétiens, nés de l’espérance de la Résurrection, sont appelés à incarner cette espérance par nos prières et nos actes de solidarité. Et toi, comment vas-tu prier et agir en cette saison de la création ?

Rentrée: Blessing of School Bags

With the rentrée just round the corner the time has come again to bless the school bags of the children and young people in our congregation. This will be part of the monthly All Age Family Service which is held on the first Sunday of the month.  The service is shorter and the liturgy simpler than on the other Sundays, and we sing hymns and worship songs from recent years accompanied by two skilled guitarists, David and Chantal.  This Sunday all children and young people are encouraged to bring their school bags with them to church (with or without contents!) and receive a special blessing to carry them, their parents and Sunday School teachers through the ups and downs of a school year.

2 years ago the children were a bit shorter and Covid masks still being worn.

6 May Malgache Dinner Dance le 6 mai Soirée Musicale Récréative


On 6th May ACAMA, the charitable association of the Malgache Anglican community, is holding a Dinner Dance in the Salle des Fêtes in Ingenheim, near Hochfelden. Two bands will be playing, Marcellin will deejay and a meal will be served.  All proceeds will go to support the charitable work of the Strasbourg Malgache community in Madagascar, particularly to help people suffering from the serious damage caused by repeated cyclones striking the country.

Bishop’s Lent Appeal

It’s still not too late to contribute to this appeal concerning a Church Extension Opportunity in Rabat, Morocco.

A new congregation is coming together in and around the Moroccan capital of Rabat.  Those who’d like to give in support of this new mission effort are invited to use one of the evenlopes at the back of the church,clearly marking your contribution for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.

La communauté anglicane de Rabat est maitenant au point oú il es temps pour elle de déployer un prêtre résident. Si vous souhaitiez apporter votre soutiien à ce nouvel effort missionaire, vous pouvez utiliser l’une des enveloppes à l’arrière de l’église, indiquant clairement voure contribution au Bishop’s Lent Appeal.

  • St. Augustine of Hippo. Rabat.

Services during Holy Week and Easter Semaine Sainte et Pâcques

Palm/ Passion Sunday, April 2nd

10h30 Palm/ Passion Sunday Liturgy and Holy Eucharist at the Église des dominicains

Monday in Holy Week, April 3rd 

18h00 Sainte Eucharistie et réflexion en francais chez Voahangy et Johny Ramananjatovo, 13 rue de Jean-Paul Dadelsen, 67200 Strasbourg

Tuesday in Holy Week, April 4th

19h00 Holy Eucharist and reflection chez Naveed and Victoria Jacob, 5, rue de Wallonie, 67000 Strasbourg

Wednesday in Holy Week, April 5th

19h00 Holy Eucharist and reflection chez Eila Walker,  21 rue Auguste Himly, 67000 Strasbourg

Maundy Thursday / Jeudi Saint, April 6th
Liturgie et Sainte Eucharistie à St Pierre-le-Jeune, place Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune, 67000 Strasbourg

Good Friday / Vendredi Saint, April 7th

13h00 – 14h30 Liturgy, Eglise des dominicains.

Easter Day / Jour de Pâques, April 9th 

6h00 Veillée Paschale / Sainte Eucharistie à St Pierre-le-Jeune.

10h30 Holy Eucharist / Sainte Eucharistie,  Eglise des dominicains.

Followed by Easter Lunch at the Murrays in Dorlisheim, 21 rue de l’Hospice.

Taizé service on 12 March Culte de Taizé le 12 mars

A group from St Alban’s, Saint Pierre-le-Jeune and the Catholic diocese is planning a trip to the Taizé community from 23. to 30. April.

Taizé in Burgundy is a place for spiritual renewal and the affirmation of our common faith in Christ across denominational lines. It also has a distinctive and simple style of music and prayer which includes Bible readings, time for silent reflection and chants.

On 12 March at our usual time of 10.30h there will be a Taizé-style service at the Dominicans, to which we welcome members of the Taizé group from St. Pierre-le-Jeune who will lead us in our worship.

Do join us!

Un groupe de St. Alban, St. Pierre-le-Jeune et des catholiques prévoient de se rendre à la communauté de Taizé du 23 au 30 avril.  Taizé est un lieu de renouvellement spirituelle et d’affirmation de notre foi commune en Christ à travers les lignes confessionelles.  Elle a également un style simple et distinctif de musique et de prière, avec des lectures bibliques, des temps de réflexion silencieuse et des chants.

Le 12 mars, nous accueillerons les membres du groupe de Taizé de St. Pierre-le-Jeune, qui animeront notre culte aux Dominicains à 10.30h.

Tous sont bienvenus !





Reflections during Lent: Forgiveness

Reflections on the art of letting go
le Pardon et l’art de lâcher prise

The season of Lent is a good time to reflect on aspects of our Christian life which we often find challenging. Beginning on Sunday 26. Februar we meet every Sunday in Lent after our 10.30h service at the Centre Mounier, 41 rue de l’Université, in the ground-floor meeting room, to think and talk about forgiveness and the art of letting go.

Christians talk a lot about forgiveness.   However, genuine forgiveness is not so easy!  Letting go of the past and moving beyond anger and resentment can be difficult. In this series of reflections, we will explore stories of the healing power of forgiveness and how it sets us free to become the children of God.


Les chrétiens parlent beaucoup du pardon. Pourtant, la véritable pardon n’est pas si simple ! Lâcher prise du passé et aller au-delà de la colère et du ressentiment peut être difficile. Dans cette série de réflexions, nous allons explorez des récits qui présentent le pouvoir guérissant du pardon et comment il nous rend libres de devenir enfants de Dieu. 

Les séances auront lieu toutes les dimanches de Carême à partir du 26 février après le culte de 10.30h dans le Centre Mounier, 41 rue de l’Université, dans la petite salle au rez-de-chausée.

Extraordinary General Meeting Sunday 20 November

On Sunday 20 November after the service there will be a special General Meeting in the Centre Mounier, in the “salle” on the first floor. All those listed on the Electoral Roll of St. Alban’s are invited to attend and vote upon on a very important issue: to establish a shared ministry agreement between St. Alban’s Church and St. Pierre-le-Jeune Protestant Church in Strasbourg.

The Anglican and Protestant churches in France agreed in the Reuilly Accords to encourage the mutual recognition and shared ministries of our respective communities. As Anglicans we are committed to taking steps toward greater cooperation in as many areas of life and ministry as possible, to advance together to a more visible unity.

The idea of a shared ministry in Strasbourg  has been under consideration for the past 5 years.  Over the last 18 months St. Alban’s Church Council has discussed at length the possibility of of such a partnership, and there have been many meetings between the pastors and councils of both churches. It is now time to ask the members of St. Alban’s to give its informed consent to continuing the pursuit of this relationship.

For further information read here

This meeting marks a significant change in the life of St. Alban’s.  Please come and take part, ask questions and express any hopes and doubts you might have, as we all need to know what this new committment is going to involve.