18 Octobre Les Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg

Musique des Religions du Monde

Le Festival des Sacrées Journées, créé en 2010, est unique en son genre, en proposant de découvrir le même soir, dans un même lieu, des ensembles de musiques de 3 cultures, spiritualités ou religions différentes. Chaque concert est un message de fraternité et d’espérance en l’Humanité.

C’est année c’est l’Ensemble Kovcheg, accompagné de la chanteuse Olga Krotikova, de Saint Pétersbourg/Russie, l’Ensemble AlbRifai (chants et danses soufis) de Tirana/Albanie et le Trio Zamir (chants liturgiques juifs) d’Allemagne

Cathédrale de Strasbourg le vendredi prochain 18 octobre à 2019



Vocational Discernment Weekend

22 – 24 November, Centre Culturel St Thomas

God calls each of us to service and to a variety of ministries – in the church, in our workplace, in our home communities and beyond. God calls us each in different ways and at different times in our lives. How is God calling me? is the topic of a Vocational Discernment Weekend to take place the 22th to the 24th November at the Centre Culturel St Thomas in Strasbourg. This event is sponsored by the Episcopal /Anglican churches in Europe and takes place annually in different locations in Europe. Indicate your interest in attending this event by speaking to Fr Mark.

The Five Marks of Mission, as understood by the Anglican Communion:

The mission of the Church is the mission of Christ:

  1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
  3. To respond to human need by loving service
  4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation
  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth

 Les Cinq Marques de la Mission, telles que les entend la Communion anglicane

La mission de l’Église est celle du Christ :

  1. Proclamer la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu
  2. Instruire, baptiser et encourager les nouveaux croyants
  3. Répondre par amour aux besoins humains
  4. S’efforcer de transformer toutes structures injustes de la société, confronter toutes violences et rechercher la paix et la réconciliation
  5. Œuvrer pour la sauvegarde de l’intégrité de la création et soutenir et renouveler la vie de la terre.

Harvest Festival / Fête de la Moisson

We will celebrate the Harvest on 6 October. You are invited to bring to church that day non-perishable foods to share with those who are served by the Salvation Army.

Le 6 octobre nous célébrons la Moisson, où vous êtes invités à apporter à l’église des aliments non périssables à partager avec ceux qui sont

servis par l’Armée du Salut.

Season of Creation

Each year, from 1 September, the Global Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, many Anglicans use the Season of Creation – also known as Creation Time –  to pray and celebrate with creation, focus on the story of Earth and commit to a ministry of healing the Earth. Our Sunday School will take up this theme over the coming weeks.

‘We who recognise that all good things come from the Divine Creator have taken too long to acknowledge that the living-out of our beliefs concerns deeply the care and nurture of all living things and the environment on which they depend.’

Nous qui reconnaissons que toutes bonnes choses viennent du Créateur Divin ont mis trop de temps à reconnaître que vivre de nos croyances concerne profondément le respect et la préservation de tous les êtres vivants et de l’environnement dont ils dépendent.’

Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town

Rivier Apartment: Help still needed

Many thanks to all who have helped recently in preparing the apartment of Nick Rivier for our use, beginning in September. That is when the Dominican community will start carrying out much-needed renovation work at the Centre Mounier. The Sunday School will then meet at the Rivier apartment and that is where we can go after church for coffee.

We still could use a hand for the few tasks that remain. Please contact the Wardens Pauline Dif  06 76 80 30 17 and/or Anny Samuels 06 67 57 20 56 to volunteer!

Un grand merci à tous ceux qui se sont récemment retroussés les manches pour préparer l’appartement de Nick Rivier. Nous avons toujours besoin d’un coup de main avec un certain nombre de tâches qui restent. Veuillez contacter Pauline Dif  06 76 80 30 17 et/or Anny Samuels 06 67 57 20 56pour nous aider !

The dedication of the Rivier apartment will be on Sunday 8th September after church.

Photos for ACAS Calendar

Maryline William-Smith writes:

Dear church members and ACAS friends,

Just a little message to wish you an excellent summer break and a safe return to Strasbourg, if you are travelling somewhere interesting.

In this context, do remember that we need some good photos for our 2018 ACAS calendar (your own amateur photos, please no photos of children and nothing downloaded from the Internet). Every little bit helps. And it’s for a good cause!

Chers membres de notre église et amis de l’ACAS,

Un petit message en passant pour vous souhaiter un excellent été et un bon retour à Strasbourg si vous voyagez vers des horizons intéressants.

Dans ce contexte, rappelez-vous que nous avons besoin de bonnes photos pour notre calendrier ACAS édition 2018 (vos propres photos amateurs, pas de photos d’enfants et SVP pas de téléchargements Internet) Toute aide est bienvenue. C’est pour une bonne cause !

Please send the photos to either Anny Samuels or myself before the end of September. Thank you.

Envoyez les photos à Anny Samuels ou moi-même avant la date butée de fin septembre. Merci d’avance.

Maryline William-Smith
ACAS assistant secretary



Summer Study Series: The Lord’s Prayer

A 3-part Summer Study series begins on 25th June:

Praying with your life: the Lord’s Prayer and Christian Discipleship.

Discover how the Lord’s Prayer shapes us as we pray, directing our desires toward God and transforming us into the likeness of Christ.

Tuesday evenings 25th June, 9th July and 23rd July, 19h30-21h00 at the Chaplaincy apartment, 12 Ave de la Forêt Noire, Strasbourg.
Leader:  Philip Zoutendam.



New member of Ministry Team

On 2 June we welcomed Philip Zoutendam, who joins St Alban’s Ministry Team for the months of June and July in fulfilment of his field placement during seminary studies. He comes to us from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC (USA). Welcome, Philip!


Tuesday Prayers – Come Join Us !

Mark Barwick writes:
All are welcome to come to the Chaplaincy flat, 12 avenue de la Forêt Noire, every Tuesday from 18h30 to 19h30 for a time to pray. Whether you are new to prayer, frustrated with prayer or an experienced practitioner, you will find a place alongside others in all simplicity and in a spirit of mutual encouragement. If you are not able to join us physically, you can pray with us and for us where you are. You can also leave your requests for prayer in the box at the back of the church.