Category Archives: Homepage Posts
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity La Semaine de priére pour l’unité des chrêtiens
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place annually between 18 January (Confession of St. Peter) and 25 January (Conversion of St. Paul).
This year’s theme has been developed by an ecumenical team from Burkina Faso:
“You shall love the Lord your God … and your neighbour as yourself.”
La Semaine de prière pour l’unité des Chrêtiens a lieu toutes les annees entre le 18 janvier (la confession de saint Pierre) et le 25 janvier (la conversion de saint Paul)
Le sujet cette année est elaboré par une équipe oecuménique de Burkina Faso:
“Tu aimeras ton Seigneur … et ton prochain come toi-même.”
A joint service of neighbourhood churches will take place at 10.30h on Sunday, 21st January at the church of St. Maurice, 41 avenue de la Forêt Noire. There will be NO service at the Dominican’s church!
Pas de culte anglicane dimanche le 21 Janvier chez les Dominicains. Venez-vous nous rejoindre à 10.30h avec les autres églises du quartier a l’eglise de Saint-Maurice, 41 ave de la Forêt Noire.
New Year with new organ
It has been a long wait, but it’s been worth it! Since the summer of 2022 both Dominicans and Anglicans have had to make do without an organ, as those hot summer months sounded the death knell for an organ that had already been expiring (not so quietly) for quite a long time. Improvisation was called for, and the varied musical talents of St. Alban’s came to the fore. David Cowley and Chantal Stewart stepped into the breach with mellow tenor voice and guitars; our keyboard (“what do we need that for ?) was at last put to good use and ecumenical contacts across the Rhine brought us Wolfgang Weber, who valiantly tackled the unfamiliar Anglican liturgy. Small groups of singers sang four-part works unaccompanied, and the congregation was encouraged to make a Goodly Noise.
In the interim a small choir organ appeared with one manuel of Elizabethan proportions, but our organist Katherine Parsons came into her own again with organ works from the appropriate period. She has much more scope now with the new organ, which she was able to play for the first time on Sunday 2nd Advent. We join with our hosts, the Dominicans, in giving thanks for all those whose donations have helped to pay for the instrument, and in celebrating the additional musical dimension it adds to our Sunday worship.
A very happy New Year to all visitors to this website and an open invitation to join us at St. Alban’s for Sunday worship at 10.30am every Sunday.
Advent Concert 3 December 3 décembre Concert de l’Avent
The charitable association of the Anglican chaplaincy ACAS extends a warm invitation to the annual Advent concert of the Schiltigheim Mandoline and Guitar Orchestra on Sunday 3 December 2023 at 15.30h at the church of St. Matthieu, 97 bd. d’Anvers in Strasbourg. Several musicians come from Malgache families, many of whom are active members of St. Alban’s Anglican chaplaincy. They are also excellent instrumentalists and this concert promises to be a musical treat. During the interval mulled wine will be served and Alsatian bredele and other Christmas treats will be on sale. ACAS will give all proceeds to an association supporting child victims of the recent earthquakes in Marocco.
Anglican-Protestant Common Life and Mission
On Saturday 30th September the councils of St Alban’s (Anglican) and St Pierre-le Jeune (Protestant) churches came together for an annual day of reflection and planning. The day began with the office of Morning Prayer; then each parish met separately in their respective councils. Fellowship around the midday meal followed. In the afternoon, the two councils met jointly to review the activities of the past year and to make plans for the coming year.
In 2022, St Alban’s and St Pierre-le Jeune established a relationship of ‘common life and mission’ under the Reuilly Agreement, signed in 2001 by Anglican and Protestant churches in France. The Agreement envisions closer fellowship in as many areas of Christian life and witness as possible, ’so that all our members together may advance on the way to full visible unity.’
Roman Demptos discerning his vocation
For the last four years, Roman Demptos has been studying Protestant Theology in Strasbourg, and since then has been a regular worshipper at St. Alban’s. He finds the Anglican combination of Protestant thinking and Catholic traditions particularly attractive. “I felt right at home in its rich and traditional liturgy, in its bilingual celebration and in its diverse and welcoming assembly,” he says. He has become more and more involved in the life of St. Alban’s, as an altar server, reading lessons and preaching. After his confirmation in early 2022 he started the discernment programme for the Anglican ministry under the aegis of St. Alban’s chaplain Mark Barwick. This September he moved to the diocese of Durham to start the Ministry Experience Scheme and study at the theological college of Lindisfarne in Newcastle. St. Alban’s Church Council supports him in the testing of his vocation and will continue to do so, should he be recommended for training to the ordained Anglican ministry.
Our best wishes accompany him!
Rentrée: Blessing of School Bags
With the rentrée just round the corner the time has come again to bless the school bags of the children and young people in our congregation. This will be part of the monthly All Age Family Service which is held on the first Sunday of the month. The service is shorter and the liturgy simpler than on the other Sundays, and we sing hymns and worship songs from recent years accompanied by two skilled guitarists, David and Chantal. This Sunday all children and young people are encouraged to bring their school bags with them to church (with or without contents!) and receive a special blessing to carry them, their parents and Sunday School teachers through the ups and downs of a school year.
The Flame of the Holy Spirit at St. Alban’s
The different tongues spoken by members of the St. Alban’s congregation include Urdu, Igbo, Twi, Dutch, German, Flemish, French and English – and plenty of others which aren’t immediately evident. The Sunday School children grow up speaking or hearing other languages around them – and so are appropriate bearers of the Holy Spirit’s flame. Led by Paul and Dan (the latter having been a regular purveyor of Pentecostal flames for the Sunday School as his daughters were growing up) , the Sunday School reenacted the first Pentecost experience with imagination and vigour, and inspired the congregation with hope and joy.
Bishop’s Lent Appeal
It’s still not too late to contribute to this appeal concerning a Church Extension Opportunity in Rabat, Morocco.
A new congregation is coming together in and around the Moroccan capital of Rabat. Those who’d like to give in support of this new mission effort are invited to use one of the evenlopes at the back of the church,clearly marking your contribution for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal.
La communauté anglicane de Rabat est maitenant au point oú il es temps pour elle de déployer un prêtre résident. Si vous souhaitiez apporter votre soutiien à ce nouvel effort missionaire, vous pouvez utiliser l’une des enveloppes à l’arrière de l’église, indiquant clairement voure contribution au Bishop’s Lent Appeal.