More pictures of a joyful occasion

With the institution of St. Alban’s new Priest-in-Charge, the Revd. Dr. Mark Barwick, on 10 December, the Anglican church in Strasbourg was able to welcome the Bishop of Europe in Gibraltar, the Rt. Rev. Dr.Robert Innes and a whole clutch of Strasbourg clergy to celebrate the occasion with the congregation.  Here are more pictures of a memorable service taken by Maryline William-Smith.

Left: Philippe Aviron-Violet, curé of St Maurice and St Bernard, Bishop Venuste Mutiganda, John Murray and Mark Barwick. Right: Fr. Hervé of the Dominicans.  Bishop Robert at the lecturn.

The churchwardens, Pauline Dif & Denis Le Moullac, present St. Alban’s choice of Mark Barwick as pastor and priest.

Representatives of St. Alban’s – here Catheine Emezie and Richard Razafindratsima – present Mark with symbols of his ministry.

The Bishop and Archdeacon Meurig Williams give communion, with chalice-bearers Victoria Jacobs and Rufus Folaranmi.

Reader-in-Training Ozichi Baron leading the singing and drumming of the final hymn: “We are marching …”

Commemoration photo with visitors from Roman Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical churches in Strasbourg, churchwardens and St. Albans ministry team.

Good food for bishops and church veterans alike




A Day of Celebration: Institution of St. Alban’s new Priest-in-Charge.

Flanked by an impressive array of robed clergy from near and far, on Sunday 10 December the Revd. Mark Barwick was formally licensed as Priest-in-Charge of St. Alban’s Strasbourg by the Rt. Revd. Robert Innes, Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe, to give him his full title.  It was Bishop Robert’s first visit to the Strasbourg church and the occasion could not have been more joyful.  After a long vacancy of 4 years St. Alban’s at last has a new Priest-in-Charge.  The Revd. Mark Barwick, his wife Corinna and their two children Madeleine and Elias, moved to Strasbourg  from Brussels in September and have been warmly welcomed by the congregation.  With the official institution Mark is now officially “en poste” for at least the next three years.

As the Bishop pointed out, in many ways Mark’s previous career has almost predestined him for the post of Priest in Strasbourg. He was ordained into the Episcopal Church and previously  was  assistant priest  in Waterloo, Belgium. He speaks French and German, has worked with political institutions in Brussels and for many years was involved  in conflict resolution with the Pax Christi organisation. During the instititution he was asked to affirm his loyalty to the Church of England and presented with a licence bearing an impressive red seal.

    Bishop Robert, right, reading out the licence, to Mark Barwick, right, and Archdeacon Meurig Williams, centre.

Among the visiting clergy were Jean-Georges Boeglin, Ecumenical officer of the Diocese of Strasbourg , Frère Hervé, Prior of our hosts the Dominicans, Philippe Aviron-Violet, curé of St Maurice and St Bernard,  two representatives of the President and Vice-President of the Union des Eglises Protestantes d’Alsace et de Lorraine, Pastor Daniel Rivaud, representing the Entente Evangélique de Strasbourg and David Fieldsend, Reader from the Pro-Cathedral in Brussels. Mary Talbot from All Saints’ Geneva represented our former Priest-in-Charge,  Alex  Gordon, and his wife Geraldine.  Their presence was an indication of the importance Mark  attaches to tending the ecumenical relations already established by previous priests at St. Alban’s.  The congregation turned out in force;  the Malgache Chorale sang a Gloria, and the last hymn, “We are marching”, was accompanied by an enthusiastic  group of  drummers and singers.

  The Malgache Chorale, led by Worship Leader Voahangy Ramananjatovo

In true and traditional Strasbourg fashion the institution was followed by one of St. Alban’s unforgettable feasts – conjured up by Victoria Jacobs, Anny Samuels and their helpers. It was a wonderful day with plenty of nourishment for mind, body and soul.

The Feast (or at least part of it!) Frère Hervé of the Dominicans on the right of Mark Barwick as he says grace.

The Bishop of Europe was as enthusiastic as the congregation was: here is what he wrote in his blog.




Bredele for sale for St. Alban’s charitable association

Maryline William-Smith writes:

Anny’s wonderful talents have given us this year an excellent charity calendar and under her wise management, the bredele baking team has had its best production year so far.

With grateful thanks to all those lovely people who participated recently in the baking and/or packaging sessions, I’d like to confirm that our best crop of Bredele yet will be available for sale after Church on the Sundays in Advent while stocks last.

There have been some minor breakages and so today during the packaging session we tasted the quality of the varieties  (well somebody has to!!)  and we could confirm that the biscuits are absolutely delicious this year.

So do come with a generous heart and help ACAS, your church charity association,  with plentiful purchases.

     The baking team at work – and the result.     

PS: Bredele, for newcomers, are spicy tasty biscuits that are baked during Advent in Alsace and are an indispensible ingredient of an Alsatian Christmas.   Anny Samuels is an accomplished Bredele artist.


Advent and Christmas with St. Alban’s

Unless otherwise indicated, all services will take place at the Eglise des Dominicains, 41 boulevard de la Victoire, Strasbourg.
10 December  Second Sunday in Advent
10h30 Holy Eucharist
Visit of The Rt Rev Robert Innes, Bishop in Europe and licensing of the Rev. Dr. Mark Barwick as Priest-in-Charge of St. Alban’s.
12 December  
19h30 Service of Lessons & Carols at Horbourg-Wihr
17 December  Third Sunday in Advent
10h30 Holy Eucharist
15h00 Chants de Noël avec la communauté malgache, chez les Pères Oblats, 21 Route de la Wantzenau
15h00 Carols for the Salvation Army, centre ville
24 December   Fourth Sunday in Advent
10h30 Holy Eucharist
17h30 Christmas Eve Carols and Lessons by candlelight, Chapelle Protestante de l’Hôpital Civil
25 December   Christmas Day
10h30 Holy Eucharist
26 December    Feast of St Stephen /Boxing Day
16h30 Service of Lessons & Carols
31 December    First Sunday in Christmas
10h30 Holy Eucharist
7 January 2018  Feast of the Epiphany
9h40   Holy Eucharist, Book of Common Prayer
10h30 Holy Eucharist, All-Age Worship



Women’s Bible Study Friday 8 December

Catherine Emezie writes:

I am pleased to invite you to the next women’s bible study and end of year pot luck dinner on Friday 8 December. A big thank you to Murielle Richardson who is hosting us at their home –  16 rue St Louis, 1st floor. (Bus 10 ‘St Thomas’,  Tram ‘Porte de l’hôpital’ or ‘Grand’Rue’). Please bring along a main dish or dessert/drink.

We will begin with an amusing but not serious quiz (we all get to ask a question, I will supply them). We will then listen to a couple of personal testimonies and briefly reflect on some of the studies we’ve done in 2017.

It promises to be a fun and  relaxing evening so I hope to see as many women come along. Feel free to bring a friend along too.

Please save the future meeting dates (2018):

Friday 19 January at 18.45

Friday 16 February at 18.45

Saturday 24 March at 09.00 breakfast meeting.


Freeing slaves – the Rev. Silas Lazar in Strasbourg, Wednesday 15 November

Catherine Emezie writes:
 Rev. Silas Lazar of the Mission Revival Church in Montreal is currently on a tour of Europe to create awareness and raise much needed funds for very important humanitarian projects in different cities in Pakistan. One of the main projects is buying the freedom of women, men and children living in bondage as debt payers from generation to generation, and forced to work in brick-making factories for a pittance. Once freed, these families are set up or trained to earn their living independently. Stories of Christian brick workers have made headlines every now and again (e.g. BBC) as some unfortunate couples have been murdered for various flimsy reasons.
Another of his projects in Pakistan concerns empowerment of women through small income schemes.
Time: Wednesday 15 November, 19h00.
Venue: Salle de l’eglise du Christ Ressucité (sous sol) , 4 rue de Palerme, Strasbourg (Esplanade)
Please come and support his ministry so that more families can be freed from slavery. Come, as you WILL be inspired!!
A variety of sweet and savoury snacks and drinks will be provided.
A SECOND meeting will take place on Friday 17 Nov. at 19h00 at L’eglise Lumières des Nations, 15-16 Nouvelle Cité, 67380 Lingolsheim
Should you wish to make a donation, please see below the bank details:
Account holder: Silas Lazar
National Bank
No. Banque 006
No. Transit 11521
No. Compte: 649003




La Peste en Madagascar / Plague in Madagascar: update. Visit of Princess Anne.

According to the latest WHO report, so far 127 people have died during the  recent outbreak of plague in Madagascar.  Over 1800 cases of infection have been reported, and it is feared that this number may increase, as the plague season normally lasts until April.  Plague is endemic in certain parts of the country, but the worrying thing about this outbreak is that now major cities and other non-endemic areas have been affected.

More information:

See also:

From 23 to 25 October Princess Anne paid a visit to Madagascar.  She attended a Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship between the United Kingdom and Madagascar at Saint Laurent Anglican Cathedral in Antananarivo, and visited charities and organisations of which she has close connections to, including Save The Children and conservation projects.


Outbreak of plague in Madagascar / Épidémie de la peste en Madagascar

Our Malgache fellow-Anglicans are deeply worried about an outbreak of plague in Madagascar.  According to the WHO, the outbreak has spread to the capital and port towns, infecting more than 100 people in just a few weeks. The WHO is rapidly scaling up its response to the crisis.  The Strasbourg Malgache community has been supporting the rebuilding of an Anglican church at Foulpointe, near Tamatave, one of the coastal cities already affected.

The Malgache Worship Leader Voahangy Ramananjatovo writes :

“Endémique à Madagascar, la peste est responsable du décès de 19 personnes ces deux derniers mois, selon un dernier bilan communiqué jeudi par le ministère de la Santé.

« Nous avons enregistré 104 cas suspects de peste, dont 19 décès dans tout Madagascar », a annoncé le ministre de la Santé, le professeur Mamy Lalatiana Andriamanarivo. Soit une augmentation substantielle du nombre de décès depuis le précédent bilan officiel de l’épidémie, communiqué mi-septembre, qui faisait alors état de cinq morts.

« Cette année, la saison pesteuse a commencé assez tôt et de manière brutale », a souligné le ministre. Alors que la peste se manifeste généralement d’octobre à mars dans la Grande Île, le premier décès a été enregistré le 28 août. Après avoir contracté la maladie à Ankazobe, dans le centre du pays, le malade est mort dans un taxi-brousse à Moramanga alors qu’il tentait de rejoindre Tamatave, une localité située sur la côte est.

Mouvement de panique

Chemin faisant, il a contaminé deux passagers, décédés début septembre. Une succession de cas à l’origine d’un mouvement de panique, surtout à Tamatave, qui n’a pas connu la peste depuis cent ans, selon le ministère. Les pharmacies de la ville ont d’ailleurs été prises d’assaut par les habitants.

Avec deux décès, la capitale malgache, Antananarivo, n’est pas épargnée. Parmi les victimes, « une petite fille qui venait d’assister à un famadihana (tradition malgache de retournement des morts) à Fianarantsoa (centre) », a indiqué le ministère.

La peste réapparaît presque chaque année à Madagascar depuis 1980, à la faveur de la saison des pluies, de la tradition de « retournement des morts » et de la recrudescence des feux de brousse, selon le ministère. Développée chez les rats, puis véhiculée par les puces, la bactérie de la peste peut être foudroyante sous sa forme pneumonique – transmissible par la toux – en tuant son hôte en seulement 24 à 72 heures. Sa forme bubonique se soigne, si traitée à temps, avec des antibiotiques.”



Church Lunch at Baggersee 8th October 2017

The Churchwardens Denis Le Moullac & Pauline Dif write:
It is now the time of year when we start back to work and school. St. Alban’s Church too will begin a new and important phase in its life. This autumn we will be welcoming into our church family a new priest-in-charge Mark Barwick, his wife Corinna, and their two young children Madeleine and Elias. Mark will take his first church service with us on October 1.

We would like to use the occasion of our Annual Church Lunch at the Baggersee to introduce him and his family to our varied and diverse congregation in a memorable happy celebration together.
The lunch will be held after church on Sunday October 8 at the Baggersee venue (in a park on a large lake to the south of the Meinau, and a 10-minute walk from the tram stop “Hohwart” on the A line in the direction of Graffenstaden, along the rue du Languedoc).
It will take the form of a “pot-luck” meal. You are all warmly invited to attend and to contribute in bringing food and drink to share with everyone. There will be a list on display at the back of the church over the next few Sundays on which to indicate what you intend to contribute. You may also contact Pauline Dif (tel. ) or Anny Samuels (tel. to find out what may be needed.
During the lunch there will be a Tombola draw, with a good selection of prizes. The proceeds will go to help the work of ACAS, the church’s charitable and outward-giving association.

Come on Sunday October 8 to enjoy a good time together as a church community and to meet our new chaplain and his family informally over a convivial meal .

Fighting modern slavery in Pakistan – presentation on 6 September.

The Rev. Silas Lazar, from the Mission Revival Church in Montreal, Canada, is currently touring  Europe as part of his ministry to raise support for his particular project in Pakistan.  His concern is with persecuted families (women, children) working in brick-making factories in different parts of Pakistan who are mistreated, tortured, kept under bondage as debt payers from generation to generation, and are denied freedom.  The Rev. Silas Lazar is the author of many Christian books; his most recent release is entitled “Remove your mountain by releasing your power” and is available as an e-book.

His tour will take him to Paris, Geneva, Marseille and Brussels, where he will present his project: beginning with the release of families from bondage it aims to reinstate them in the main-stream community.  On 6th September he will be in Strasbourg to publicise this project at the home of the Jacobs family.

An open invitation is extended to anyone who would like to find out more about his work to join the Jacobs family on 6th September, 2017 at 5 rue de Wallonie, Apartment 4, 67000 Strasbourg at 12.00h (lunch will be served); the presentation should end at 13:30h.

Please let the Jacobs know if you can come – by email to: or or

Tel. 06 68 74 07 20.