Lent: Tuesday Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark.

Lent is a season of prayer, penitence and conversion in the life of the Church. Let us pray for one another, as we prepare for the Easter Feast.
Le Carême est une saison de prière, de pénitence et de conversion dans la vie de l’Église. Prions les uns pour les autres, alors que nous nous préparons pour la fête de Pâques.
Lent is an important season for the deepening of our faith.  Beginning on Tuesday 20th February Fr. Mark and others will lead us through an exploration of the essential meaning and purpose of Mark’s Gospel. We will meet for five consecutive Tuesdays 19.00 –  20.30h at the new Chaplaincy flat, 12 ave. de la Forêt Noire (nearest tram stop Gallia, trams C, E, F, nearest bus stop Brant Université, bus n°. 10, 15a, 30, 72), ending with Compline.  Rowan Williams’ book, Meeting God in Mark, will be our guide.


2 March: World Day of Prayer : Journée Mondiale de Prière

The  World Day of Prayer is over one hundred years old and is celebrated in almost all the countries of the world.  This year it has been prepared by women from Surinam, and their motto is: “Voilà, cela était très bon!”.
On Friday 2 March at 15h an ecumenical service will take place at the Église méthodiste SION, Place Benjamin Zix in La Petite France (Bus n° 10, Arrêt St Thomas-Finkwiller, Tram A ou D, Arrêt Grand’rue).   This service in Strasbourg has been prepared by women from Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran and Reformed churches and from the Salvation Army.
All women and men are welcome to attend the service and stay on afterwards for a “verre d’amitié” to meet fellow-Christians from other churches.
For more information: WDP 20180001


La Justice Est-Elle Possible?

Trois soirées de conférence de d’échange en collaboration avec d’autres églises du voisinage: les paroisses catholique de l’Esplanade, de St-Maurice et St-Bernard et la paroisse protestante de St-Matthieu.
Jeudi 15 février: Dieu est-il juste ? La justice selon la Bible. 
Jeudi 22 février: Juger selon la justice ?
Jeudi 22 mars: Juger, restaurer, guérir: la justice restaurative.
Plus d’information: La Justice 2.180001

“Prayer”: Liebfrauenberg Weekend 16 – 18 March 2018

For over forty years every springtime, members of the Anglican chaplaincies in Heidelberg, Strasbourg and on occasions Stuttgart meet at the Protestant retreat centre  “Liebfrauenberg” in Alsace for a residential study weekend with a special topic and speaker. This is an opportunity in Lent for some serious study of aspects of our Christian faith, as well  a chance to meet old friends and make new ones, to worship, walk, talk, enjoy leisurely meals, relax and have a break. There is even a trip to a nearby village on Saturday evening for tarte flambée. Families are welcome. If there are at least four children there will be a  programme for them.

Our  Topic this year   –  Prayer

Our Speaker The Rev’d Paul Skirrow writes: “‘The study content for this weekend will be in four parts:

Why do we pray?  How do we pray? (two sessions)  What do we pray?

Some find prayer difficult; a nightmare, a struggle, a chore … yet in working at it we can find it a wonderful, life-giving gift from God. Hard or easy prayer unites us with God, with each other and with God’s world.    Prayer can happen in many forms, and we cannot claim that one is better than the other. Meditation; contemplation; spiritual exercises; formal prayer from prayer books; prayer using words; images and symbols; prayer which demands self-emptying of words and ideas – the possibilities are endless. Some of these options will be examined and tried during the weekend. We will gather for morning and evening prayers/compline each day and will celebrate the Eucharist on Saturday and Sunday.”

For more information and booking form: Liebfrauenberg Weekend 2018

                       Protestant retreat centre Liebfrauenberg nr. Goersdorf in northern Alsace.  (Photo Wiki Commons Goersdorf)

Madagascar sous le cyclone une fois de plus Cyclone hits Madagascar

Our prayers are asked for all those affected by the cyclone which hit the east coast of Madagascar on Friday, yet again damaging the settlement of Foulpointe, already devastated by a hurricane a year ago. The charitable associations  ACAS and ACAMA are both involved in supporting  the church in Foulpointe.

Worship Leader Voahangy Ramananjatovo writes:

Vents forts et pluies diluviennes à Madagascar: vendredi 5 janvier vers 13h le cyclone Ava a touché la côte est du pays. Il a génèré des vents moyens de 150 km avec des rafales allant jusqu’à 205km/h.

Un bilan du Bureau national de gestion des risques et des catastrophes lundi fait état de 27 morts et 13.000 sinistrés. Le cyclone Ava a fait de nombreux dégâts, notamment dans les districts de Fenerive Est, Soanierana Ivongo et Tamatave, dont Foulpointe;  routes coupées, arbres déracinés, toitures envolées, cases détruites, inondations.

« Les bas quartiers sont inondés. Il n’y a plus d’eau et plus d’électricité. Certains câbles électriques sont tombés », raconte un habitant du quartier d’Andranomadio, à Tamatave.  Dans cette ville, les refuges comme le gymnase et les établissements publics accueillent 170 sinistrés.

En tout, cinq écoles ont été détruites par le cyclone. Les cours ont d’ailleurs été suspendus dans les régions de l’est, mais aussi à Antananarivo. La capitale n’est pas épargnée par les pluies diluviennes. Près de 350 personnes ont été évacuées dans la capitale à cause des inondations.

Les gens n’étaient pas informés, sauf ceux qui ont l’habitude d’aller sur Internet car ils ne sont pas informés par les canaux de communication conventionnels comme les radios et les télés. Ils n’étaient donc pas du tout préparés.

L’information est générale. Nous attendons des nouvelles des correspondants à Foulpointe.

Beaucoup de prières.

18 – 25 January 2018 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed annually, beginning on 18 January (Confession of St Peter) and concluding on 25 January (Conversion of St Paul). For this year churches in the Caribbean have prepared resources on the theme: “Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power,” taken from Exodus 15:6.

On Sunday 21 January at 10h30, we will join in an ecumenical service with other neighbourhood churches at St Maurice,

41 avenue de la Forêt Noire (just on the other side of the Observatory).


Baptism and Confirmation Classes

St. Alban’s Priest-in-Charge Dr. Mark Barwick writes:

Baptism is the sacrament of initiation by water and the Spirit into the life of Christ’s Body, the Church. Those baptised at an early age are encouraged to make a more mature commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism through the rite of Confirmation by the laying on of hands by a bishop.

Youth and adult classes in preparation for Baptism and Confirmation will begin soon. These are interactive sessions designed to help candidates explore their faith and how to live faithfully in the world. The classes are also appropriate for those who would like to reaffirm their baptismal faith or to be received into the communion of the Church of England.

If you or someone in your family would like to enrol in these sessions, please speak with Fr Mark after the service or give him a call at 07 71 13 38 83.

Epiphany 2017

St. Alban’s Priest-in-Charge Dr. Mark Barwick writes:

Christians have celebrated the Epiphany from very early times. The word Epiphany means “manifestation.” When Magi came from far places to Bethlehem, it marked the manifestation of the Christ to the nations. It signified that the Promise would be for all peoples and not just for a select few.

Epiphany reminds us that Christ is about openness and welcome in contrast to the fear and exclusionary politics of our times. It challenges our thinking in terms of we-them and moves us to see the interconnection of all people and indeed of all creation. In the starlight of Epiphany, our divisions are exposed and all pretence of entitlement or privilege is laid bare.

We are all simply children of the one God, yearning for the fulfilment of the promise made in Bethlehem. The promise of a new creation. wrapped in human flesh, is still relevant for us today. This is why wise men (and women) still follow him.

L’arrivée des mages à Bethléem, provenant de loin, a marqué la manifestation du Christ aux nations. Cela signifiait que la Promesse serait pour tous les peuples et pas seulement pour quelques élus.

L’Epiphanie (« la manifestation ») nous rappelle que la venue du Christ annonce l’ouverture et l’accueil, contrairement à la peur et à la politique d’exclusion qui caractérisent notre temps. Elle nous pousse apercevoir l’interconnexion de toute personne et de toute la création. Dans la lumière de l’étoile de l’Epiphanie, nos divisions sont exposées et toute prétention de l’élitisme et du privilège est mise à nu.

Nous sommes tous les enfants d’un seul Dieu, qui attendent l’accomplissement de la promesse faite à Bethléem. Cette promesse d’une nouvelle création, enveloppée dans la chair humaine, est toujours pertinent pour nous aujourd’hui. Voilà pourquoi les sages le suivent encore de nos jours.
