Giving to others: ACAS

At its 27 September meeting, ACAS (Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg) approved financial support to the following projects:

Lors de sa dernière réunion, l’ACAS a accordé son soutien financier aux projets suivants :

  •  – CASA and CIMADE, local groups which support asylum seekers / CASA et CIMADE, associations locales pour leur aide apportée aux demandeurs d’asile ;
  •   – Girls’ and boys’ education in Pakistan / Scolarité d’enfants en Pakistan; 
  •  – Reconstruction of Anglican church in Foulpointe, Madagascar, damaged by hurricanes /
  • Communauté anglicane à Foulpointe, Madagascar, pour la consolidation de leur église détruite par les cyclones.

   Thank-you for your continued support of ACAS !

He’s made it! – Frederick completes his walking challenge for ACAS

Sunday 5 July: the supporters have assembled with masks and plenty of social distance, the barbecue is fired up, Nigel and Bill’s cameras and microphones are at the ready and the hero of the hour, Frederick William-Smith, embarks on his 89th lap around his house with his walker.

The last-but-one lap

For the last, the 90th lap, however, he discards the walker and relies instead entirely on his two sticks. 35 days after he embarked upon this venture, he completes the last lap and achieves the goal he set himself, to walk a total of 9 km. around the perimeter of his house. Neither heat nor cold, sunshine or rain have deterred him.

90 laps completed




Aged 90 – hence 90 laps – and only three months after having had a toe amputated, Frederick has proved equal to the challenge of raising  as much money as possible from donations to support the charitable giving of St. Alban’s. All those who have sponsored Frederick’s 90 laps are helping Christian school children in Pakistan to complete their education, are enabling the storm-ravaged church of the Anglican church in Foulpointe, in Madagascar,to be rebuilt and are supporting refugees in Strasbourg.

Thanks and congratulations to Frederick and his wife Maryline, and to all those who have supported this venture. Frederick has proved that even under the most arduous of Corona restrictions a man with a sense of purpose can achieve great things!

Congratulations Frederick William-Smith

Plenty of encouragement

Frederick’s Walk for ACAS

On 2nd June, the day after Pentecost, Frederick started on his 90-lap walk around the perimeter of his house in order to raise money for St. Alban’s charitable wing, ACAS.  In a short ceremony he was sent on his way by St. Alban’s priest Mark Barwick and other enthusiastic supporters.

Now, three weeks later, he has completed well over 70 laps, that is more than 7kms / 4 miles, and he is still going strong.  His goal of 90 laps is now well in sight. No mean feat considering his age – he turned 90 this year, hence 90 laps – and his reduced mobility after a recent foot operation.

The response so far has been all that he has hoped for: €2900 have already been pledged and more has been promised.  That means that ACAS (Association caritative anglicane de Strasbourg) will be able to continue supporting its long-term projects: caring for refugees in Strasbourg, educating Christian school children in Pakistan, and supporting an Anglican church in eastern Madagascar which has repeatedly been harried by hurricanes.

All are asked to continue supporting Frederick with both encouragement and donations as he completes his 90 laps and tots up the grand total of 9 km.

Through the garden, round the side of the house and along the pavement outside = 1 lap

Frederick walking in mid-June with the support of physio Stéphane and cheered on by Chantal.

ACAS Walking Challenge / Défi de Marche pour ACAS

Frederick and Maryline William-Smith have been inspired by the UK’s 99-year-old Captain Tom, who walked around his
garden with his walker to raise funds for the UK National Health Service. Frederick, by comparison a mere chicken at 90, had to have a toe amputated in March and since then has slowly but surely been recovering his mobility. He now feels up to the challenge of walking 90 steps through the front and back gardens around his house and trying to do four circuits a day. That would amount to 400 metres a day, and in 22 days, starting on 1 June, he hopes to complete 90 circuits, walking a total of nine kilometres. You are invited to sponsor Frederick’s walk to raise much-needed funds for ACAS, St. Alban’s organisation for charitable work. At present ACAS is supporting agencies in Strasbourg looking after refugees, an Anglican community in Madagascar much battered by hurricanes and students at a Christian school in Pakistan.

For further details about how to sponsor Frederick’s walk follow this link.  All contributions are welcome!


Frederick et Maryline William-Smith ont été inspirés par l’aventure du capitaine Tom au Royaume-Uni qui a parcouru son jardin avec son déambulateur jusqu’à son 100e anniversaire pour collecter des fonds pour le Service National de Santé du Royaume-Uni. Ils ont pensé que cela constituerait, pour Frederick, un excellent challenge pour améliorer sa santé.  Le 12 mars, deux semaines avant son 90e anniversaire, il a subi l’amputation d’un orteil. Depuis, il se remet lentement mais sûrement. Voilà le défi d’aujourd’hui : il doit faire environ 90 pas pour faire le tour de la maison par le jardin et les portails. Ils essaient de faire 4 tours par jour, ce qui les amène à environ 400 mètres. Ils estiment que 90 tours de la maison lui prendront environ 22 jours, commençant le 1er juin. En même temps, c’est un bon moyen de réunir des fonds extrêmement nécessaires pour financer les différentes activités de l’ACAS (dons aux organismes locaux d’aide aux réfugiés, soutien à divers projets à Madagascar et scolarisation de jeunes chrétiens au Pakistan). Ils vous lancent un appel :

Accepteriez-vous de le parrainer ?  Pour en savoir plus, suivez le lien. Tous les dons seront bienvenus.

Getting off to a good start with plenty of support.

Bredele Baking / Confection de Bredele

Chaque année durant l’Avent, l’équipe de pâtissières de l’ACAS se retrouve pour confectionner de délicieux Bredele, ces petits gâteaux de Noël typiquement alsaciens. Cette année, nous envisageons de commencer tôt pour en préparer davantage, mais aussi pour qu’ils soient prêts, notamment, pour le marché de Noël de l’English Speaking Community. Dans la foulée, nous ferons aussi des Mince Pies, ces délicieux gâteaux anglais fourrés aux fruits secs et aux noix. Pour l’instant, plusieurs dates sont envisagées :  samedis 9, 16 et 23 novembre, 14.00 – 17.00h, chez Anny Samuels, 13 rue du Landsberg – Strasbourg Neudorf.  Toutes et tous sont bienvenues!

Nous souhaiterions les vendre en dehors du cercle de l’église et pour cela, nous sommes à la recherche de contacts de personnes qui tiennent des stands sur le marché de Noël, associatifs ou non. Si vous avez de tels contacts, merci de nous le signaler.

Nous prévoyons également des séances d’initiation pour les débutantes et pour les enfants qui ont envie de « mettre la main à la pâte »- Date proposée : mercredi 14 novembre, 14.00 – 17.00h, chez Café Rivier, 40 rue de l’Université, Strasbourg.


Every year during Advent, ACAS’ pastry team meets to make delicious Bredele, these typical Alsatian Christmas cookies. This year, we plan to start early to prepare more, but also to be ready, for example, for the English Speaking Community Christmas Market. After that, we will also prepare Mince Pies, these delicious English pielets filled with fruits and nuts. The following dates are being suggested: Saturdays November 9, 16 and 23 at 2:00 pm, chez Anny Samuels, 13 rue du Landsberg – Strasbourg Neudorf.  All are welcome to come and join in!

We would like to sell the Bredele not only within but also outside the church, and for that we are looking for contacts of people who hold stands on the Christmas Market, whether linked to an association or not. If you have any such contacts, please let us know.

 We also plan introductory sessions for beginners and children who want to participate. Proposed date: Wednesday, November 14th at 2:00 pm., chez Café Rivier, 40 rue de l’Université, Strasbourg.

 Contact : Anny Samuels, Churchwarden – Tel. 06 67 57 20 56 –

Photos for ACAS Calendar

Maryline William-Smith writes:

Dear church members and ACAS friends,

Just a little message to wish you an excellent summer break and a safe return to Strasbourg, if you are travelling somewhere interesting.

In this context, do remember that we need some good photos for our 2018 ACAS calendar (your own amateur photos, please no photos of children and nothing downloaded from the Internet). Every little bit helps. And it’s for a good cause!

Chers membres de notre église et amis de l’ACAS,

Un petit message en passant pour vous souhaiter un excellent été et un bon retour à Strasbourg si vous voyagez vers des horizons intéressants.

Dans ce contexte, rappelez-vous que nous avons besoin de bonnes photos pour notre calendrier ACAS édition 2018 (vos propres photos amateurs, pas de photos d’enfants et SVP pas de téléchargements Internet) Toute aide est bienvenue. C’est pour une bonne cause !

Please send the photos to either Anny Samuels or myself before the end of September. Thank you.

Envoyez les photos à Anny Samuels ou moi-même avant la date butée de fin septembre. Merci d’avance.

Maryline William-Smith
ACAS assistant secretary


Brocante/Flea Market in Dorlisheim 9 June.

Anny Samuels et Pauline Dif écrirent:

Nous voudrions vous remercier du fond du cœur pour l’aide précieuse que beaucoup d’entre vous a apporté ces derniers jours, et particulièrement dimanche, pour organiser la brocante, tenir les stands et remballer les invendus.

Un grand merci à Diane pour son chaleureux accueil (et pour son hébergement), cela nous a considérablement facilité la tâche. Et à Victoria pour son délicieux biryani.

Pour votre information, la brocante a rapporté un peu plus de 500 € à l’ACAS et 175 € à l’église, qu’elle utilisera pour financer en partie les travaux de réfection de l’appartement de Nick Rivier. Le jeu en valait la chandelle !


We would like to say a heartfelt thank-you for the invaluable help that many of you gave in the past few days, especially on Sunday, to organize the flea market, man/woman the stands and repack the unsold goods.

A big thank you to Diane for her warm welcome (and for her accommodation), it made life much easier for us. And to Victoria for her delicious biryani.

For your information, the flea market raised a little over 500 € for the ACAS and 175 € for the Church, which we will use to finance part of the repair work on Nick Rivier’s apartment. The game was worth the candle, as we say in French!

Cordialement/Best regards

Anny Samuels et Pauline Dif


ACAS Brocante/Flea Market 9 June

ACAS, the charitable association of St. Alban’s, is partipating in the village-wide flea market on 9 June in Dorlisheim to raise money for people in need.  The ACAS stands will be set up in the courtyard of the house belonging to John and Diane Murray, and your contributions of sellable items are very welcome!

ACAS Brocante a success!

The  Brocante Sales on Sunday 17 June in the rue de l’Université netted nearly 500 € to benefit the outreach of ACAS – l’Association Caritative Anglicane de Strasbourg.  Thanks to all who got there very early to set up the stall, who manned/womanned the stall and withstood the hot sun and lack of shade, who cleared everything away and generally helped make this year’s Brocante a success!