The congregation of St. Alban’s Church Strasbourg is part of the Diocese in Europe , one of the 42 dioceses which comprise the Church of England. We are part of the worldwide fellowship of Churches that is known collectively as the Anglican Communion. Here’s more about our story.
The heart of our worship is the Holy Eucharist, in which we share in Christ’s life and are renewed in his spirit among us. We celebrate the Eucharist each Sunday at 10:30 am at the chapel of the Dominicans, just across from the University of Strasbourg. The Dominican brothers have graciously hosted Anglican worship for many years.
We seek to be an open and welcoming congregation. We come from many diverse backgrounds and experiences. Some are strong in faith. Others struggle to believe. Some know the Bible quite well. Others haven’t a clue where to begin! Yet each of us finds a home at St Alban’s, where questions are allowed and we just try to figure it out together. Saints and sinners are welcome here – and to be honest, we’re all a bit of both.
Even still, we take seriously our responsibility to respect and care of one another and to create a safe environment for everyone. This is St. Alban’s Safeguarding Policy
La congrégation de l’Église Anglicane de St. Alban à Strasbourg fait partie du Diocèse en Europe, l’un des 42 diocèses quie composent l’Église d’Angleterre. Nous faisons partie de la communauté mondiale des Églises que est connue sous le nom collectif de la Communion Anglicane. Pour savoir plus: notre histoire.
Le mot “anglican” provient d’ “ecclesia anglicana”, une expression médiévale qui signifie l’église anglaise. Cependant, la tradition anglicane es aujourd’hui suivie par quelque 85 millions de membres dans plus de 165 pays, dont la plupart n’ont pas l’anglaise comme langue maternelle!
Toutes et tous sont les bienvenus dans cette église – sans exception.
Privacy Policy
Read here General Privacy notice
Who’s Who
Church email contact:
Address: Aumônerie anglicane, 3 rue de la Nuée Bleue, 67000 Strasbourg.
Tel. +33 369 57 40 03
Mobile: +33 771 13 38 83.
Ministry Team
The Revd. Dr. Mark Barwick
The Revd. Christine Bloomfield
The Revd. John Murray
The Rt. Revd. Vénuste Mutiganda
David Cowley
Catherine Emezie
Voahangy Ramananjatovo
- Revd. Mark Barwick
- Revd. John Murray
- Rev. Christine Bloomfield
- David Cowley
- Catherine E
- Voahangy Ramananjatovo
Grace Egesi Email:
Anny Samuels. Tel.+33 388 84 65 80 Email:
Church Council
Elisabeth Koonja, Andrew Le Brun, Denis Le Moullac, John Parsons, Céléstin Philibert, Voahangy Ramananjatovo, Sophie Theys, Bernice Twumasi,
Secretary: Diane Murray
Archdeaconry Synod representatives: Naveed Jacobs, Sarah Palmer.
Organist: Katherine Parsons
Sacristans: Kanjo Egesi, Benjamin Sesay
Sunday School: Paul Hely, Bernice Twumasi
Treasurer: Sophie Theys
Environmental Officer: Corinna Kreutz
How to give to us
St. Alban’s is entirely self-supporting: these are our bank details.
Anglicane Strasbourg / Anglican Chaplaincy
Identification nationale (RIB) 30003 02369 0015001459838
Identification Internationale (IBAN) FR76 3000 3023 6900 1500 1459 838
Thank you for your generosity to the ministries of St Alban’s.