Nuit des Religions – Evensong at the Dominicans

De nombreux événements sont organisés dans le cadre du Forum des Religions pour découvrir des traditions spirituelles différentes qui existent à Strasbourg.  Within the framework of the “Forum des Religions” in Strasbourg a number of events take place every year to explore the many different spiritual traditions which exist within the city.  One of these events is the  Night of Religions (Nuits des Religions)  which took place on 26th February. The Anglican Chaplaincy joined the Dominican community in their church, our place of worship for the past 50 years, for the service of Evensong.  A small group of singers from St. Alban’s contributed Anglican hymns and a setting of the Magnificat by Thomas Morley in Anglican chant to the service, while the Dominican brothers sang their traditional settings of  psalms and prayers. There is a distinct musical bond between both traditions, and it was a welcome opportunity to share the rich heritage of Anglican music with visitors from all over the city.  For St. Alban’s it was also another opportunity to explain the “middle way” that Anglicanism holds between the two major Christian denominations.


The singers.

Fr. Mark & Frère Jean-Francois welcome the     visitors.