Our online skills are going to be tested on Sunday, 21 March at 14.30h, when we gather behind our computer screens for this year’s Annual General Meeting. However, in view of all the online meetings this church has held in the last year – from Sunday services via church council meetings to prayer and study gatherings – it is really only a small step further to invite all church members to participate in our General Meeting. This is when we elect our churchwardens and council members, look back at the events of the past year and forward to the path ahead.
Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to take part in these Zoom meetings, either because the internet connection is bad or because the devices (and possibly self-confidence) are lacking. So if this is the case for you, please don’t feel you cannot take part at all. Contact fr. Mark (07 71 13 38 83) or one of the churchwardens, Pauline Dif (06 76 80 30) or Anny Samuels (06 67 57 20 56), to arrange for you to join a small gathering of virtual participants, ensuring proper social distancing and safe health measures.